"When talking about race today in America you have to look beyond - TopicsExpress


"When talking about race today in America you have to look beyond individuals to structures and institutions. Structural racism is not about intent (the big bad boogie man racist out to get you muah ha ha ha ha!) but about impact and outcomes of policies. When addressing race in America you have to be conscious of who you are in the story while getting over the tendency to feel personally guilty or targeted. This personal guilt often confuses the issue and leads people to try to absolve themselves of guilt instead of focusing on dismantling institutions of oppression and fighting for social justice. It’s not about you, it’s about the system! While you have the power as an individual to be racist or nasty to individuals the real insidiousness of racism is when it is institutionalized. While your racist words and actions may hurt individuals it’s less important if by comparison your racist actions occur in partnership with institutions that systematically disempower people economically, socially or politically. So when dealing with race in America, think at the institutional level. That’s where it really matters! You must ask yourself, who is the decider? How is power constructed? Who wins or loses based on these policies? Remember it’s not about you, your individual feelings or intent. It’s about the outcome of policies and it’s important to focus on whether or not the rules that exist will lead to equitable outcomes for all. Finally, always remember that racism is not about kids in the playground who don’t “like” the way you look. It’s about power just like everything else people squabble over on this planet. It’s a tool used to exercise power over others so don’t take it too personally. Understand the nature of the game." ~ Eyenabassey J. Spencer YES, JOY I STOLE YOUR STATUS, IT WAS WAY TOOO BRILLIANT NOT TO SHARE. HUGS....
Posted on: Thu, 06 Jun 2013 01:25:15 +0000

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