When talking to people vehemently opposed to Aam Aadmi Party, the - TopicsExpress


When talking to people vehemently opposed to Aam Aadmi Party, the one statement that is always repeated is that we need a LEADER for India. And this question has actually been in my mind for a very long time. Every time there are elections a slogan heard over and over again is Desh ka neta kaisa ho? ( What defines a leader of India?) To answer that question and not mindlessly repeat what everyone else is saying I wanted to clearly objectify for myself the definition of a LEADER. I talked to a lot of people from the poor to the elite, to educated and uneducated and everyone in between and the qualities that everyone specifies are: A leader should be Selfless, Non Corruptible (havent we all heard that term ;) ), has vision, values, maturity, can unite people and creates not just followers but more leaders. The order of these attributes is debatable and actually doesnt really matter, since they are all essential and not one can be compromised. Selflessness Among the leaders that I see today, Narendra Modi, Arvind Kejriwal, Rahul Gandhi; the only one person that stands out in terms of selflessness is Arvind Kejriwal. There are numerous examples of that, but I will highlight the ones that impacted me. When he was selected in the IRS and had a few months before joining the prestigious course, he quit his job at Tata Steel, not to enjoy a few months off. But to work with Mother Teresa at Missionaries of Charity, Kolkatta. I am sure there are definitely few who have done that, but the comparison today is between the leaders of the parties standing in Lok Sabha election 2014. To me thats selfless. Sleeping on the roads at 4 degree Celsius temperature for the rights of women is selflessness. I challenge everyone who calls that a drama to actually do that. To fast for the Janlokpal is selflessness. Again, challengers, lets see you do that for any cause that you believe in. He left his job as a Joint Commissioner in the Income Tax Department to work full time for his NGO Parivartan. Challengers, lets see you leave your job today and work full time for any social cause you believe in. People who think he piggy backed on Annas movement, please take a look atwhat he was doing 12 years ago. He is a man who has struggled selflessly on the roads and by lanes of Delhi working for a cause that he believed in. To me thats a leader. Challengers, find me a better alternative !!!
Posted on: Sat, 05 Apr 2014 03:57:35 +0000

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