When the Liberian-American Patrick Sawyer arrived at Lagos airport - TopicsExpress


When the Liberian-American Patrick Sawyer arrived at Lagos airport on July 20, he immediately collapsed. Rushed to hospital, he was diagnosed with Ebola and died within five days. There would be seven more fatalities in Nigeria following his arrival. Yet it could have been far worse. Ebola has the power to terrify, partly because of the distressing nature of its symptoms, but also because of the reputation it has developed: of being unstoppable. This is false. Through decisive leadership, with the right resources and a highly co-ordinated response, the virus can be managed and overcome, as the experience of Nigeria proves. one-nigeria.org/nigeria-shows-that-ebola-is-not-unstoppable/
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 07:47:00 +0000

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