When the Lord says come up hither not all will be prepared! Just - TopicsExpress


When the Lord says come up hither not all will be prepared! Just as in the days of Noah the door will be closed. Too many in todays church think no matter what they are in. However God said this. Let those that name the name of Christ depart from iniquity. Yes we are under grace. We are saved by grace by faith in God not by works that we should boast. We who love the Lord have His righteousness as a breastplate. That faith must extend to picking up our crosses, denying ourselves, and following the Lord. There is still plenty of grace along the way but remember without holiness no man shall see God. So we are also told we are holy for he is holy. In reality this means we are made holy by the inner work of the Holy Ghost in us. Sanctification is a process which lasts a lifetime. We will never be perfected totally in our flesh until we are with Christ however if we refuse Him who sanctifies us with His Spirit of grace operating in us then where does that leave us? We must return church of the Lord to a holy reverent walk of fear of the Lord. That means all of us including myself to understand what we choose to do daily is to follow the pattern of Christ as we are enlightened and have been empowered to follow Him. God speaks to us understanding we are still yet carnal and He not only has great patience towards us but He also is sympathetic towards our weaknesses. However we can not refuse the work of the Spirit of Christ in us or we are doing as the scripture says spite unto the Spirit of Grace. Dont start worrying and getting into self works however for we serve a God who is able to help us complete this journey we began in Him. The key is continually remaining humble and calling on the Lord for more grace to get this right. When we do fall fall short but our heart is committed to following the Lord then there is always grace when we confess our weaknesses of our flesh unto Him. To just go through the motions with a heart that is not truly repentant meaning desiring to change or turn from the sin in our life then we are trying to mock God as if He does not discern or thoughts and intents of our hearts. Holiness then is likened unto purity. Our hearts are pure before the Lord and we are holy before God when we truly desire to be like Him and pursue this life of holiness God has chosen us to walk in. I truly wish I always got it right but praise God Jesus fulfilled all righteousness. We can rest in that fact that Jesus said it is finished! We dont have to try to fulfill the law of the Old Covenant. In fact Jesus said cursed is anyone who hangs on a tree. If we are trying to be righteous in our own-selves without Gods help then we have fallen from grace. We are not those that go there though that love the Lord in truth. We continually pursue this life by calling upon the name of the Lord and trusting in His grace. We dont become high-minded to say we have already arrived but instead say that we are persuaded that He is able to keep that which we have committed unto Him against that day we all stand before Him!!! Love you, keep pressing forward and dont be persuaded by high-minded people who believe they have already arrived but walk circumspectly and soberly (wise) before the Lord and always trust that His grace is sufficient and His strength is perfected in our weaknesses! -Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord: Heb 12:14 -Blessed are the pure in heart: for THEY SHALL SEE GOD. Mat 5:8 -Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, PERFECTING HOLINESS in the fear (reverence) of God. 2Co 7:1 -For they verily for a few days chastened us after their own pleasure; but he for our profit, that we might be PARTAKERS OF HIS HOLINESS. Heb 12:10 -Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear Heb 12:28
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 17:26:07 +0000

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