When the SITUATION that you find yourself in is EXCRUCIATING, - TopicsExpress


When the SITUATION that you find yourself in is EXCRUCIATING, BLEAK, UNCERTAIN and COLD…….and most probably seems UNCHANGEABLE, ……how u respond to it will determine where you are SPIRITUALLY in your life……check your SPIRITUAL- GAUGE…… if you truly struggle with the situation, then your SPIRITUAL GAUGE is running on LOW……there are some of us that become ANGRY at GOD……but you need to recall that when GOD made a call on your life….YOU LOOKED THE OTHER WAY…….but what is truly amazing, is that HE STILL WAITS PATIENTLY for you….. Is there anything to HARD FOR GOD?……there is nothing in EXISTENCE today that GOD can’t CHANGE……..the problem is that most of us DON’T GIVE GOD A CHANCE…..because the WORLD is so DEEPLY-SEATED in the CREVICES of our BEING…….the LOVE for GOD has been DEFLATED from u….when you SUBSTITUTE or FILL YOURSELF with the DELICACIES OF WORLDLY FLAVOUR. A good exercise is to EMPTY yourself of the WORLD…….and AMAZINGLY ENOUGH……EVERYTHING becomes CLEARER, and you begin to SENSE the PRESENCE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT and hear HIS VOICE ( IMPRESSIONS ON YOUR HEART)…..and then EVERYTHING IN YOU AND AROUND CHANGES, INCLUDING YOUR PERCEPTIONS…… Let GOD in today!!............and become aware of WHAT WILL HAPPEN IN YOUR LIFE!!
Posted on: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 09:31:41 +0000

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