When the Senate comes back to DC there will be one week left in - TopicsExpress


When the Senate comes back to DC there will be one week left in October Miracles do happen. There could be two hearings in one week. Wow, would that be something! The big push is about to begin. Everyone should stay engaged and let the Senate know how you feel about the CRPD. Heres what you can do while the Senate is out from Oct. 21st-25th. 1. If you live in the DC area go visit Senate staff. Tell them about your support for the CRPD. They will have more time to listen with their bosses out of town. If you are in a State go visit your Senator. If you are in TN, MS, OH, AZ, GA, NE, WI, and MO, you are especially important! 2. Check to see if all the disability organizations to which you belong have a letter on the CRPD ready to go and be delivered on Oct. 28th to Chairman Menendez and Ranking Member Corker of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. It wouldnt hurt to make sure all members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee get a copy of the letter. In fact, if you get a copy of the letter, you could scribble a personal note on the bottom and send it yourself. 3. Read the blog posts at wecandothisifwetry.blogspot and share the link to them with Senate staffers. 4. Suggest to your friends, who havent done so, to like this Facebook page. We share our statistics with Senate staffers, and the higher the statistics the more they listen. 5. Get friends who havent done so to sign the petition at handicap-international.us/support_the_disability_treaty.
Posted on: Sat, 19 Oct 2013 21:25:41 +0000

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