When the banias exercise their diabolic power to destroy the - TopicsExpress


When the banias exercise their diabolic power to destroy the wisdom of the people of other communities and when these people start practising parts of mystic rites which they have learnt from books, after a generation or two their offspring have to pay for the sins of their forefathers. Those who learn and practice mystic rites do not think that the essence of this black art is in the exclusive custody of those who have produced these books and it is they who have its full knowledge. But others, whose thinking power has been captivated, read these books with interest and follow the procedure given in them. Little do they realize that these books do not belong to them and those who have produced these books are keeping themselves at a safe distance. This sinful practice belongs to them and they alone must be knowing about it in totality. After all, these books have not descended from the sky. They have been written and produced by human beings. Nobody seems to think so. Although, eight to nine kings and rulers belonging to both Hindu and Muslim communities have been done to death as perpetrators of this sinful practice in the same way as Ravana, Hiranyakashipu, Kansa, Karun and others were punished, the practice of diabolism is still intact. It is flourishing. Those who come across these books of diabolic rites are very happy as though they had struck a fortune or the kingdom of the whole world. They do not realize that those who had practised this sin earlier were caught red handed and killed and now it is their turn to be punished for practising diabolism. Those taking interest in learning and practising diabolism do not think that as Ravana and others who had learnt and practised this mystic art were killed by the people of the world for their sins, they too will be punished and their children killed for learnt and practised this mystic art were killed by the people of the world for their sins, they too will be punished and their children killed for learning this black art from books and practising it. They must know that they have not originated this sinful practice just as Ravana had not originated it. It belonged to others. Ravana and others had learnt and then practised it and so they were killed, rather completely wiped out. But those who originated it remained unscathed and they are still practising it unabated. And nobody knows about it. Others not in their right senses, learn this mystic rite and then practice it. The practitioners of this ancient from of diabolism have captivated the wisdom of the people as a result of which they do not know the reality. They have been dishonesty trapped and killed. Those unscrupulous banias spread in advance, rumours to the effect that they (the banias) belong to the royal lineage. To the Muslims they say ‘first Sah (the businessmen’s community) and then Badshah (the king)’. Let me tell you, they are extremely selfish. They are maintaining friendly relation with the British rulers. They are telling the whole world that they are one with the Britishers and that the Britishers too like them, are banias. Thus they pretend to be friendly with one and all and overtly live a life of austerity. They will first show great respect to others – calling them their father and brother-but afterwards destroy them. They are running hundreds of such sinful operations. They will first make friends with others calling them brothers and then finish them off with their diabolism. They have already circulated a prediction that the British will rule the entire world. These banias had also predicted that Ravana, Hiranyakashipu, Kansa, Karun and others would rule throughout the length and breadth of the world. Far from ruling the world they fell into the trap of the diabolic operation and lost their life. They are remembered with contempt and horror as the demons who had let loose a reign of terror. However, nobody could find out the actual operation of this diabolic act. The saudagars have taken recourse to this mystic rite of diabolism in order to fulfil their secret ambition of capturing political and economic power of the world. They have been motivating others to learn and practice a little bit of this black art since long and thus causing their ruination. Ravana, Hiranyakashipu, Kansa and Karun had accumulated huge wealth by their diabolic power during their rule. It is said that Ravana had built the city of Lanka made of gold and Karun had collected 40 dungris (a measure) of money. Their entire wealth and money is in the possession of these banias. Those who had learnt this black art lost their wisdom and their life. Even their children could not enjoy the riches collected by them. There was a lot of wealth and money in the world which always remained in the custody of the banias. The huge amount of money and wealth which Ravana had accumulated by repressing his subjects did not remain with him. What I want to say is that there was so much wealth in the world but all of it was held by the banias. Even the revenue that was collected by Ravana by taxing subjects heavily did not remain with him, nor could his descendants were doomed. Most of the money was possessed by these sinners. Their diabolism is still continuing because they are motivating others to practice it. Those whom they have taught sinful activity are practising it at present or will do so in future. They will meet the same fate as Ravana and others did. Now listen, if you do not believe in what I am telling you and would not do anything to deal with the diabolism of the banias, the banias will establish their supremacy and slowly destroy the people of all the continents in the same way as they destroyed Ravana. India has already been ruined and whatever has been left of it will also be destroyed by the foreign rulers who will be lured by the banias to rule the country. Let me tell the rulers of the foreign lands that if they succumb to the temptation and ruin India under the diabolic influence, then they too along with their children will be doomed. Since nobody is aware of the diabolic operation, the people will start fighting among themselves resulting in large scale deaths. As Ravana’s greediness caused his downfall, the greed and temptation of ruling India generated in you (the rulers and foreign lands) will bring about your total ruination. These banias tempted Ravana to expand his empire and finally doomed him. Similarly when this covetousness will enter the minds of foreign rulers as per their plan, they will be doomed and then, the banias succeed in their mission of ruling the world. That’s why I appeal to you to finish off their diabolic operation in the interest of the well being of the coming generation. If this scourge of diabolism is allowed to continue, the banias will control the economic power of the world as they have done in India and their sinful act will remain a secret beyond the access of anybody. During the Sat-yuga even the men of divine qualities could not know about this secret activity because their wisdom had been captivated by means of diabolic power. Then Ravana had immensely tormented Shanishchara by diabolism and so he came to know about this mystic practice. He immediately told the people of the world about it. The people of the world got united and fought this menace. Consequently the network of the diabolic operation was broken to some extent but it has again been revived now and I have become its victim. Until I was tormented, I did not know that they were practising diabolism. But now that they have tortured me and so like Shanishchara, I have come to know about the mystic rite that they have been performing. As soon as I was subjected to torture I thought of your children and so I am telling you about the diabolic rite being performed by the banias. You, the people of the world, are the creation of God. These banias have tormented me by performing the diabolic rite in my presence. As I have already said several times, the magical effect of the diabolism has deprived people of their rational thinking. The banias will completely ruin the world. And after that only these infields will be left in the world. Just think of it, when the God’s creation itself will have been destroyed, what will remain there? If you people of the world, the kings, the rulers like Ramchandraji, unitedly fight and dismantle the diabolism of the banias, the coming generation of the world will live in peace and comfort. Otherwise they will destroy all the countries with their diabolic power. These banias have tortured me by their diabolism. The noose of their diabolism is tightening around me. The pain is unbearable. Having suffered this unbearable torture, I want to caution you that the diabolic rite of these banias will create scarcity of food, deprive people of their money and wealth and corrupt the intellect of the people. You can see how brothers are fighting among themselves, taking each other’s life. I can’t say what is in store for people. That’s why in the name of God’s creation. I am a humble man and repeatedly I have written that earlier the Kings and rulers in Delhi (the capital of India) followed the path of righteousness but now they have lost their sense of right and wrong under diabolic influence and have started losing temper and quarrelling with each other. They have been torturing their subjects. Internal conflicts are taking a heavy toll. The situation is going from bad to worse with every passing day. The secret behind all that is happening is not known to anybody. These saudagar have circulated books of devilish content attributing them to the holy men among the Hindus and the Muslims. They are greatly mistaken. These books are not the religious They are greatly mistaken. These books are not the religious texts of the Hindus and the Muslims. They are the product of these saudagars. They have attributed these books to the holy men among the ancestors of the Hindus and the Muslims so that their sinful act is not exposed. Going by these books the Muslims say that as a result of the curse of the holymen of their religion in ancient times the kingdoms have crumbled. The Hindus believe that the curse of Lord Shiva has resulted in the destruction of the Hindu Kingdoms. According to them all the kings in India are under curse of their respective deities. In Marwar goddess Chamunda is said to have cursed the kingdom. The people of Marwar say that goddess Chamunda had cursed that the kingdom of Jodhpur would remain under subjugation of the Rathods for five hundreds (500) years and thereafter their rule will come to an end. At present King Edward is ruling the country through governor general and other authorities of high status. About them people say that the British came with good intention but when they leave they will have ill will. These things may have been mentioned in some of these books. But as a matter of fact when these banias will brainwash you (the British rulers) by their diabolic power, you will start harassing the poor and destitute. Then they will bring rulers of some other country to destroy you-the British. It is with this concern that I am repeatedly saying that these banias will use their magical power to lure the rulers of other countries to come to India. Then they will spread ominous prediction about their fate. The next step will be to perform the sacrificial rite to harm those foreign rulers. Thus the predictions will become a reality. It is said that nobody thinks: how is it that things that they spread in advance turn into a reality? Why is it so that those who come to rule India destroy this country with their own hands? In this way rulers of all the seven or eight continents will be lured by the banias to come and rule this country. They will then exploit the people of India and ruin the country. How will they do it? The banias will train the rulers of these seven-eight continents in the art of diabolism. They will teach them only a small part of their black art and keep the core of their knowledge with them. Exactly as they did with Ravana. Bereft of their thinking power they will hold themselves responsible for all the ills. Thus rulers and other of all the continents will wage a war against each other in which most of them will be killed and their number will be reduced. The saudagars will find that they are more in number as compared to others and nobody can harm them. Then they will rule the world. As long as the people of all the seven or eight continents are in substantial number, they will teach these people a little bit of their magical rite so that they are branded as sinners. They will not do so only at the risk of their own survival. They are indulging in strange and mysterious activities and nobody knows the secret of their magical art. They will destroy the thinking faculty of the people who will then start killing each other till such time when they will remain few in number. Then these wretched banias will rule the world. Prior to that they will let people of other communities rule the countries of the world because others will be outnumbering the banias. Others will then get a bad name while the banias will remain unexposed and unscathed. When they will see that they have outnumbered others, they will take the reins of economic and political powers in their own hands. Brothers! Faqirs and Sadhus of the present day are no different from those of the earlier times. But these saudagars have made before people that the Sadhus and faqirs of the ancient times had created the universe and it is they who can destroy their creation. One must understand that this universe has been in existence from time immemorial and it is God’s creation. The sages of earlier times did not create it. All of us-you and me-are caught in this diabolic net and so cannot think properly. Now the names of your ancestors are given in these books, which you so much revere. I would request you to create a universe. If you, the descendants of the ancient sages cannot do it, how was it possible for them to create the universe? In fact the universe is the creation of God. Just as worms and other microorganism grow inside man’s stomach, we, the human beings have grown in Mother Earth’s ‘stomach’. I want to remind you that these banias have spoiled the intellect of you people by their diabolic power. You are behaving as an intoxicated man behaves. These books say that Lord Shiva and goddess Devi designed this universe and Brahma created it. Brahma, Shiva, Devi and others were all human beings. They were born just as you and I were born in Earth’s ‘stomach’. Shivaji was a devotee like many others. His real name was Shivanath. Brahma was Brahman and Devi’s name was Devli. All of them were great devotees and by virtue of their devotion and righteousness they are still remembered with reverence. They have immortalized their names. They will remain immortal as long as human being will exist. When you the people of the world will cease to exist who will be there to remember them. If you too follow in their footsteps and adopt righteousness you too will become immortal. But these banias have so much spoiled the intellect of the people that they no more have compassion for any living being. During the days of the religious minded people of earlier times, the influence of diabolism was not so much as it is now. They were full of pity and compassion for others. After the death of Raja Bal, the banias have spread their network of diabolism with the result that people have lost the virtues of righteousness and compassion for other living beings. The books say that the universe was created by Brahma, Shivaji, Devi and Lord Krishna. But I think that no human being can create universe. God has not given him any such power. It is the creation of God himself. Besides books say that Hanumanji lifted a mountain. Just think, how can a human being be so powerful as to lift a huge mountain. Mountains are bones of Earth, as a human being has bones in his body. The books also say that he had held the sun in his mouth. The books eulogise his power and strength. Do you know that the magical power can make a mountain fly and also can bring down the sun. When they perform the diabolic ritual to curse Earth, all the living beings have to suffer. They tear apart the skeletal frame Of Earth and thus cause her a lot of pain. According to the religious texts of the Muslims a holy faqir filled his tumbi (a small vessel) with the entire Anasagar (a huge lake) in Ajmer. It is also said that when the holy faqir visited Ajmer, a horse struck the ground with its hooves which tore the seven layers of Earth. Both the Hindus and the Muslims are taking great pride in the miraculous feats of their respective ancestors. They do not know that it is the magical power which makes huge reservoir of water evaporate and also tears earth’s layers. When magical power is used to tear Earth, it results in a lot of pain to Earth. These unscrupulous elements have caused a variety of afflictions to Earth. They surreptitiously suggest to the people of the world including the faqirs to learn this black magic. Having lost their sense of judgement, people have become unconcerned about the pain and suffering of Earth. The banias are trying their best to see that their sinful activity continues unhindered and the world remains lost in the stories of miracle. So many and so diverse concoctions have been circulated by the banias that it is difficult to keep track of all of them. I remember only a few of them which I want to write about. If I were well educated, I could have remembered more of them. Now you Hindus and Muslims are educated and so you should make it a point to read very carefully this text, which I have dictated to my clerk. Until I was tormented by the banias with their magical exercise, I too like others, could not see through their game. I too believed that our ancestors had miraculous powers. But when banias tormented me by their magical power, I came to know about their sinful activity. The books which the Hindus and the Muslims regard as their religious texts and which bear the name of their ancestors were surreptitiously produced by the banias. They thought that when the rulers of other countries having fallen in their trap would come to ruin the people of India and see these books claimed by the Hindus and the Muslims as their religious texts, they would come to the conclusion that the rulers and Sadhus and faqirs of India practice diabolism. This will prove disastrous to both Hindus and Muslims. The banias will remain unharmed. These saudagars have so much spoiled the thinking faculty of the people of India that they readily believe in miracles. By practising diabolism the banias can create hallucination. All of us know that the dead cannot come back. But these banias by their magical power can make people see persons who had died long ago. They perform their diabolic ritual in the name of the saints of earlier times. Then people see them in their dreams. When the Hindus go on a pilgrimage to Hinglaj (a shrine) the devotee among them is shown the face of Hinglajji. This is done by the banias to make use of their magical power for the purpose. The person who has had the darshan of Hinglajji, after returning to his native place tells others that in the Hinglajji there is a big shrine of Devi (goddess) which he has seen with his own eyes. The people of the world say that only a great devotee is blessed with the darshan of Hinglajji. In Hinglaj there is a temple of Kalka Devi. People visit that temple for darshan. They offer a goat’s blood to the Kalka Devi. If the blood trickles down on the floor, people believe that the goddess is not happy. But in case the blood poured on the idol of the Devi evaporates, it is believed that the goddess has accepted the offspring and she is propitiated. This is mentioned in religious books. You can see how people are being misled by these books. The goddess does not either drink the blood or evaporate it. It is all due to diabolic practice of the saudagars. Likewise, Mecca and Madina are considered to be the most important Shrines of the Muslims. Muslims visit these shrines to pay their respects. The Muslims have been the rulers of this country. But they too have been deprived of their rational faculty. When they go to the holy shrines, they see a she-camel in their dreams which is made possible by the magical power. They believe that it is all due to the blessing of the holymen, who seem to be happy with them. On way to Hinglaj there is a shrine of Chandrakoopswami. At that place Mother Earth is suffering from a disease which has been caused by diabolism. You know when a wound in our body becomes ulcerous, pus is formed there and the flesh starts Decaying. The ulcer bursts and pus oozes out. Similar kind of disease has been caused to Mother Earth by these banias. So when people visit the shrine and ask for the darshan of Chandrakoopswami, pus starts flowing out from a hole. When this happens, people believe that Chandrakoopswami has granted them his darshan. We do not know how big that ulcer is, whether it is big as a pond or bigger or smaller than that. Hundreds of diseases have been caused to Mother Earth as a result of which she has becomes weak and emaciated. There is no fat left in her body. You will know about it only when you try to find out. You people are completely ignorant of the problems being faced by Earth because you have lost your wisdom. You only believe in what is written in the books which you so much revere. I want you – the Hindus and the Muslims of India to inform the people of all the seven or eight continents including the British, about the diabolic designs of these saudagars. I want you to read this book of mine which aims at exposing the misdeeds of the banias and spread its message far and wide. There are other countries in seven-eight continents whereas India is alone. These banias are greedy for power and pelf. I have fully discovered the tentacles of their diabolic operation, which is why I have decided to expose some of their black deeds in this book. These banias will bring rulers of all other countries to rule this country and to destroy you people. The foreign rulers will have no inkling of the secret designs of these banias who would ultimately hold the power in their hands. They (the foreign rulers) will not know that the banias will finish of everybody including them and still they will not get wind of their betrayal. The banias will take away their thinking ability by means of their diabolic power. They are the biggest betrayer and deceiver. They are secretly planning to grab the wealth of all the rest of the countries exactly the way they have grabbed India’s riches. Ravana had nurtured similar ambition. The people of other countries do not know that these banias are planning to grab their wealth and ruin them along with their children. When there will be only handful of people left in all the countries, these unscrupulous people, like Ravana, will wield the political and economic power of the world. If they are told about this secret design of the banias they will never be tempted to occupy the throne of Delhi. They would wipe out the entire race of the saudagars. They would rather have them crushed in the oil Mill. But unfortunately they are unaware of it. And this unawareness is going to take the lives of the people of all the seven eight continents including the Indian people both Hindus and Muslims. Therefore I am cautioning the Hindus and Muslims of India against the evil designs of these saudagars. So long as you-the people of India- are living unharmed, it should be your responsibility to tell the people of other countries about the devilry of these banias so that their efforts may bring to an end their sinful practice. If you fail to seek the cooperation of the people of other countries this web of diabolism can never be broken and that will bring disaster to the humanity. Therefore, you – both Hindus and Muslims should approach the rulers as well as the common people of all the countries and continents and tell them respectfully that the sinful operation of these banias is the same kind as that of Ravana and Hiranyakashipu and that under the influence of their sinister activity you are killing each other and also the rulers of other countries are being brought to destroy you people. These saudagars will ultimately destroy all the seven eight continents by their diabolic power. Tell them that you have become almost mad as a result of their diabolic exercise and so they should not have any iota of doubt in this matter. Tell them that the banias have so much spoiled your wisdom that you think that their diabolism is some kind of miracle. You should also tell them that when they (the foreign rulers) come to India on the invitation of the banias, you are presented to them as evil doers and at the same time they, (the rulers of other countries) are presented to you as the monsters. Thus to the people of other countries they suggest that the Indian people both Hindus and Muslims are evil minded and to the people of India they suggest that the foreign rulers have all intentions, while they, the real culprits, keep themselves at a safe distance. In India they have circulated books of diabolic content, presenting them as chronicles of miraculous events. These books bear the names of the ancestors of the Hindus and the Muslims. The purpose is that when the foreign rulers will find these dubious books bearing the names of the ancestors of the Hindus and the Muslims, they will come to the conclusion that the Hindus and the Muslims are practising diabolism. So they must be told that they should ponder over the fact that a person indulging in any wrongdoing will not disclose his involvement in it. If the Hindus and the Muslims are the originators and practitioners of diabolism why would they expose themselves by mentioning the name of their ancestors in those books? In fact these books containing diabolic materials are the product of these saudagars who do not want their identity to be disclosed and so they have not given their names in those books. These books including those found in the homes of the banias bear the names of the ancestors of the Hindus and the Muslims. These unscrupulous elements would annihilate the children of the world and hand over the reins of power to their own children. They will create forgetfulness among the people so that they will not remember whatever has been disclosed. They would expect that nobody should know and expose their sinful activity. They had also created this sort of loss of memory in the rulers. These banias are highly irreligious. They will hang a bait of temptation and then take away your power of reasoning. So do not fall prey to their temptation. Your greediness may cost the life of your children. I want that your children should not be harmed. I am greatly concerned about the safety and well being of all human beings. That’s why I am cautioning you against the diabolic activity of the banias. Their business establishments have reached in other parts of the world. They have transported their wealth to other countries across the seas, just as Ravana has taken his wealth to Lanka. The banias will indulge in all types of frauds and deception and will leave India for the places where they have slashed their money. They will continue to stay in India till they completely dispossess the people of whatever money has been left with them. They will convince you that they do not have any money. They have already spread a prediction that the banias will have no money. They even declare themselves as bankrupt to hoodwink the people. Just think over it. Who can snatch their money? Like Ravana they had transported their wealth across the seas. And now they say that they do not have money. On reaching that island they will intensify their diabolic activity and thereby cause epidemic and riots in all the continents which will take a heavy toll of human life. When they will find that the few people who have survived will pose no threat to their supremacy, they will establish their rule all over the world. The banias have grabbed the entire riches of the world but now they say they have no money. Just think and ask them if their money has simply walked off like a human being. This is nothing but a fraud. These banias have so much brainwashed the people by their diabolic power that they have become the ‘yesman’ of the banias. You both Hindus and Muslims were born in the same country and are like brothers to each other. You have lost your power and authority and now you are doing some job or working as a labourer to eke out your living. But they have clouded your reasoning by their diabolism to this extent that you do not realize that they have usurped all your belongings. You do not realize that the Hindus and the Muslims have not done any wrong to each other and still they have turned each other’s enemy. In fact the effect of diabolism is so debilitating that it takes away one’s sense of right and wrong. In earlier times, the great saints and sages who had acquired the status of divinity were at first impressed by this mystic power but soon they witnessed the atrocities being committed by these devils and so they finished them and completely wiped out their diabolism. It was a comeback of the Sat-yuga. People had once again cordial relation with each other. The feelings of compassion and sympathy rejuvenated in the people. They adopted the path of righteousness and good conduct. Some papers have made certain forecast. Accordingly, wars will be fought in such and such year. Kings and high authorities will be killed. Then one among the Hindus or the Muslims will be an avatar. When he will see that people of the world are killing each other, he will preach the people to maintain amity and harmony. Then there will be peace and harmony in the world. All these things have been included in the forecast. But they are not true. These saudagars will use their diabolic power to make people believe in the rising of an avatar. In fact he will be a man belonging to the banias community. He will not harm the people of his own community. He will punish both Hindus and Muslims, expecting those who will readily follow his dictates. Those acting against his ordainment, will be wiped out. That which you call an avatar (incarnation of God) is in fact a myth created by the practitioners of diabolism. Just as you, me and people of all the countries are avatars of mankind, so are your Children. Ever since this creation of God has come into being, human beings have been descending on Earth as avatars. But the way the newspapers are spreading the message about the advent of avatars in this world, creates misgivings in our minds. What kind of avatar he is, who will appear when people have fought and killed one another and then he will restore peace and happiness. In this way they can describes any living beings as an avatar whether he is a man, an animal or a bird. I want you the people of all the seven eight continents should strongly intend that you and your children should live a secured and prosperous life. The banias have ascribed their diabolic practices to people of other community so that their sinful activity does not come to light and they will remain unscathed. They will present someone from their community as a son of either a Hindu or a Muslim. When a son will be born to a Hindu or a Muslim King, the child will be secretly killed by the banias who will then replace his look alike belonging to their community. The new born will be revered by you people as an avatar. The banias will work out their plan with absolute dexterity and you will never know what they have done. You will think that the child belongs to your community. They will hoodwink you completely by their diabolic power. The Hindus will treat the child as an avatar in their community. Similarly, if the child is presented by them as a Muslim child, the Muslims will treat him as such. However, the ultimate aim of the banias is to minimize as soon as possible, the population of both the Hindus and the Muslims so that they can monopolise power in the world. Those who write in the newspapers and also those who prepare almanacs are Hindus and Muslims. But they are not to blame for whatever they write because their writings are based either on the books circulated by the saudagars or on what they hear from the faqirs. Besides, the ideas are surreptitiously injected into their minds by means of diabolic influence. What is the source of their information is best known to the newspapers and almanacs writers. In fact they treat the books of diabolic content with respect because these books contain the names of their ancestors. Both Hindus and Muslims think that these books are their holy scriptures. This is all due to the diabolic influence. People do not think that it is most unfortunate that they are pitted against each other. The banias have very cunningly planned to place their progeny in a Hindu or a Muslim family so that Hindus and Muslims will think that the child was born in their community and then they will treat him as incarnation of God. How can a human being, who is full of infirmities, be god? The light of God’s divinity is manifest in every living being. How can a human being be God himself? But these banias have so much destroyed the wisdom of the people by their diabolic power that they make people accept a human being as God. The purpose is that when somebody from their community will have won the adoration and reverence of the Hindus and the Muslims as an avatar, he will look up to them, in the event of the riot or the conflict the Hindus and the Muslims will dare not blame them (the banias). This is how they fool the people by announcing the arrival of an avatar. The newspaper persons or the writers of the astrological forecast, unaware of the secret designs of these saudagars, simply pick up these things from the books of fraudulence or hearsay and write them down, which in course of time become a reality. But what makes them a reality is the diabolic ritual performed by the banias on the eighty four lakh Kundis. Nobody would be harmed if this diabolic ritual is not performed. Their modus operandi is designed in such a way that people will squarely blame the writer of the newspaper reports or the astrological forecast for practising diabolism. People will conclude that they had prior knowledge of these events that’s how they could make forecast in newspapers and astrological writings. But actually these newspaper reporters are not responsible for this sinful activity. It is the banias who are responsible for it. These unscrupulous banias practice diabolic rite to harm the world and it results in conflicts in which brothers start fighting and killing each other. But if they stop this practice or somewhat reduce its intensity, people begin to think and behave wisely. They start Saying that they should in no circumstances fight among themselves. So they stop fighting. Thus when the banias stop performing the diabolic rite targeted against the world, nobody is harmed. People do not think of harming others. But these banias do not stop it permanently. When they somewhat stop it, conflicts and clashes too stop. With their magical influence they make people believe that an avatar has descended. They have so much damaged the intellect of the people that they cannot think rationally. In God’s regime a lion and a goat move together. But the thinking of the people is so much spoiled that they have become each other’s sworn enemy. This is the effect of diabolism. These saudagars present a human being as an avatar and make people forget about the existence of God. God has created this Earth and the sky the entire Creation. But nobody thinks so. It is all due to diabolic influence. The influence of diabolism is so overpowering that it creates confusion in the minds of the people. So you should understand it fully and try to wipe out diabolism. Then alone the coming generation and the world can have a secured future. The banias are the practitioners of diabolism. With their diabolism they have created confusion in the world. Under its influence people stop believing in God. For this people are not to blame because their wisdom has been captivated by the banias who exercise their diabolic power for this purpose. If they want to destroy any kingdom, they will first destroy the wisdom of the King by their diabolic power. That king starts behaving in an unjust manner. He lets lose a reign of terror. Alternatively, the King is killed by the banias who then, after holding consultation among themselves select someone from their own clan to succeed the ill fated king. If he too starts indulging in atrocities, the blame goes to the king’s clan. The kings thus use their kingdom, their children and also their reputation. Under the diabolic influence of the banias, people fail to see the reason. The Kings die, while the banias continue to flourish. They place the person from their own clan on the throne vacated by the King who had been killed by them. The person from the bania community who thus occupies the throne is made by the power of the magic an exact look alike of the King who has been secretly eliminated. His features, his nose, his ears resemble totally with those of the ill fated King. The wives and the children of the King accept his replacement as the real king. For this, the banias cloud the vision of the King’s near and dear ones - his mother, his wife, other members of his family, his attendants and even his subjects. The replacement looks to them as the ruler of the State. They fail to see that the ruler has died and the one that they are finding in his place is impersonating him. When one’s vision is clouded, one cannot detect the reality. Now if they choose not to kill the King, they destroy his intellect and so the King starts indulging in atrocities and brings disaster to his kingdom when others find the King indulging in atrocities, they attack him and take his kingdom under their control. This is how he himself becomes, the cause of his destruction. Such is the tentacle of the banias. When a magician presents his show, he immediately mesmerizes the onlookers there. He makes them see fruit laden trees, currency notes and things like that. People are amazed at these spectacles. They say that the magical power of the magician has made such miraculous feats possible. What they do not know is that the magical show of magician has its roots in the diabolism of the banias. When the banias perform the diabolism, the magicians are able to perform their magic. But the magicians are not aware of it. They think that they have controlled a deity and that’s why their magic works. But the fact is that all these things happen because of the diabolic power of the banias. The magicians are mistakenly arrogating to themselves these powers. It is all wrong on their part to assume that they have controlled deities and evil spirits and thereby they have acquired magical power. Just as Ravana had captivated the wisdom of the people of all the three worlds, these banias in the same way have captured the intellect of the people by their diabolic power. What you people ascribe to the Swarga and Naraka (the heaven and the hell) is in fact the diabolic operation of the banias. The magical feats of the magicians and tricksters are made possible By diabolism. The banias have motivated people to learn the art of magic and then others pick up this art by watching them while they practice it. Then it is suggested to them that they have controlled the deities and the evil spirits and thereby acquired the magical power. The Swarga and Naraka with eighty four lakh Kundis filled with blood and pus which people talk about is in fact the secret sinful act of the banias. The banias very cleverly motivated people to learn magic and when they have learnt this art idea are planted in them that they have acquired some power. Thus people are made to bear the brunt of the sins of the banias. The magicians present their magical show openly in broad daylight. People watching them practice magical tricks will conclude that they are the persons who practice black magic. They will then become the victim of people’s anger. Little do the people realise that the magicians too are the captives of diabolism. They do not know that the poor magicians will wrongly be punished for an act which is an outcome of the sinful activity of the banias which they are pursuing secretly. It involves a huge expenditure. The magicians who present their show to the people are completely unaware of the secret designs of the banias. If they had known that the banias had inveigled them into learning the art of magic in order to harm their children and that in fact it was the black magic of the banias, they would never have learnt it nor would they have organized their public shows. They are under the wrong impression that they wield this power because they have captivated deities and evil spirits. The practitioners of diabolism would not like to be exposed. The entire world and all its people are under the influence of diabolism practised by the banias. As a result, people have lost their power of reasoning. The banias used their diabolic power to destroy the intellect of the people and then motivate them to learn and practice magic in order to bring disaster to them. When they want anyone of their own tribe to become the ruler of the country, they eliminate the King. If the King has gone out, say, for hunting on a horseback or by some other means, he is killed during his outing and then somebody belonging to the community of the banias is made an exact look alike of the king. He impersonates the king and returns to the King’s palace riding the horse or some vehicle of the King. He acts and behaves like the King and so people cannot detect that he is not the real king. He continues to rule: you, the people of the world should believe me. Please do not think that I have written all nonsense in this book. You may be thinking that things written in this book are nothing but a child’s blabbering. It is my humble request to you to take a serious note of the contents of this book. The facts that I have dictated forming the text of this book are a true account of the nefarious activity of the banias. Please take them as such. Do not pay heed to those who say that I am insane or stupid or talk like a foolish child. I have been captivated in the diabolic web of the banias. You have not had this experience. When Ravana practised diabolism he cheated Sita and Ramchandra in the guise of a deer. Ramchandra didn’t know that the deer was in fact Ravana who turned into a deer by magical power. Lord Shanishchara made it known to the people. If that was true then what I say too is true. You will call me a mad man but the fact is that these banias by their diabolic power presented before me the holy men who had died long ago. They made me see the faces of the sages of the ancient times. When the king of a country visits another country, they make him appear as a poor man. On the other hand a poor man visiting another country is made appear as a king of a country. I have very closely and thoroughly watched these tricks of the banias. I have been watching how with their diabolism these unscrupulous elements change the face of a person so that to others he looks a different person from what he actually is. But I am no stupid. It is the magical effect of the banias which hypnotises the people. I am writing all this from my own experience and what I have suffered. There is absolutely no untruth in it. If you think that there is no truth in it, then tell me what is it what you call the fourteenth or the sixteenth vidya (science). You must have heard about it or read in some books. It is said that King Bhoj went to Guru Gorakhnath to learn from him the fourteenth, the fifteenth and the sixteenth vidya. He was accompanied by a dhobi (washer man) Boliya. When Gorakhnathji was teaching King Bhoj the fifteenth and the sixteenth vidya, Boliya dhobi standing outside the room, heard the entire conversation and he too learnt the vidya. This story is known to the people and some books too may have reference to this incident. Thus both of them learnt this vidya. When Raja Bhoj came near his horse and was about to mount it, Boliya dhobi asked him, “my master! Will you kindly tell me what Guru Gorakhnath has taught you?” Raja Bhoj replied, “He didn’t teach me anything. We were simply sitting and discussing things.” “In fact I have also learnt the vidya which Gorakhnathji was teaching you, because I was listening to him when I was standing outside,” said Boliya dhobi. When Raja Bhoj asked Boliya to demonstrate what he had learnt, the latter did do so. How he did it and what he did it is not known to me because I am not literate. If I knew how to read, I would have reproduced the details of the story as given in some books. Anyway, Boliya dhobi demonstrated the art that he had learnt. The Raja then told Boliya that since both of them had learnt the vidya from the same Guru (teacher), they were like brothers. Thereafter the Raja offered to demonstrate what he had learnt. The Raja then entered the body of a parrot. At that point of time Boliya dhobi entered the body of Raja. He became the king and started living in the King’s palace and ruling his kingdom. He asked his attendants to capture parrots from different parts and kill them, so that along with other parrots the Raja who had entered the body of a parrot, would also be killed and no one would know about it. People say that the Patrani (the queen consort) of Raja Bhoj would not let Boliya dhobi in the guise of the Raja come near her. Raja Bhoj had told his Patrani about his plans to learn the fourteenth and fifteenth vidya and so she could detect that he is a fraud and not the King. Other Queens were ignorant of the fact and so he used to visit them frequently.
Posted on: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 07:46:33 +0000

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