When the bible tells us that we will know them by their fruit, it - TopicsExpress


When the bible tells us that we will know them by their fruit, it is not saying that anyone we see doing good things is automatically to be classified as bearing good fruit. Not to mention the atheist who lives a moral life and does good deeds to others, think of Mormonism and Roman Catholicism, think of all the good they do; the morality, the fighting for pro-life, the feeding the poor. Some may mistake these things as good fruit, and therefore mistake these sects for being true Christian religions. When we examine good fruits, we must examine the entire fruit (its substance) and the tree from which it grows. Seemingly good fruits which are rooted in false doctrine are not good fruits after all. Mother Teresa for example was a devout Catholic, trusting in her own good works for salvation, a damnable heresy. All the good works she did were filthy rags in Gods eyes because she thought they earned her right to heaven. Her good fruit was rotten on the inside. Jesus warned us that many religious people seem to look good on the outside but are full of death and dead mens bones on the inside, white washed tombs filled with rotten corpses. We can know people by their good fruit if we are careful in analyzing that fruit with Gods word and standard. He says we are saved by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone, if our fruit is not stemming from that truth, then it is rotten fruit. Jesus says that He is the only God that ever was and ever will be, if your fruit does not stem from that revelation, then it is rotten fruit. Jesus says He is the only way to God, if our fruit does not stem from that truth, it is rotten fruit. Fruit that is good must come from a tree that is good. Fruit that is good must come from abiding in the Vine, which is Christ and ALL the truth revealed about Him in scriptures, I cannot abide in the false Christ of Mormonism and expect to bear REAL fruit. The fruit that appears to look good on the outside is often not, therefore we must dissect the fruit and see if it matches the biblical criteria. These false religions may look like they are bearing fruit, but if you take a bite of their rotten fruit, it is filled with poison on the inside. Do not judge by mere appearances, but judge with righteous judgments. The Word of God is our standard for judging fruit, if it does not line up to the scriptures, I dont care how tasty it looks on the outside, it is not biblical good fruit.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 00:04:12 +0000

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