When the biggest controllers of wealth use that wealth to change - TopicsExpress


When the biggest controllers of wealth use that wealth to change the rules by which the economic game is played. When the changes their power brings about are generally damaging to the greater part of society, they must be stopped. If the people do not fight these amoral persons and corporations, they will continue to manipulate the lawmakers until the constitution of the people no longer protects their rights and the pursuit of happiness means nothing at all. If someones personal capitalism means polluting the air and water that others breath and drink, they must pay for the damage they have done. They must contribute from their vast profits, to the harm their greed has incurred on others. So too when great wealth has been accumulated by changing tax codes, off shore accounts, corporate money laundering, and government insider deals. These people have payed smart people to figure out how to change laws, create loopholes, and figure ways not to pay for the things that they used to. The money needed to fund our highways, education, rehabilitation, military and the huge debt incurred by the middle class to pay for the uninsured; these are harms that directly effect society. Ever increasing economic pressures have caused great harm to the middle class, resulting in the destruction of the family. No parents at home to raise the children. Poor education. Less qualified young people. The highest incarceration rates of any country in the history of the world. These are damages we currently suffer. They have sucked out the soul of our nation. The basis of all of this is economic. There has been a massive redistribution of wealth in this country that started with Reagonomics and the Republican party has grown to be the mouth piece of those who are profiting so massively at our demise.
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 03:51:24 +0000

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