When the destruction of Lake Fukushima occurred in Japan in March - TopicsExpress


When the destruction of Lake Fukushima occurred in Japan in March of 2011 the waters started to become bitter. I will show videos for proof with this message. WORMWOOD HAPPENED IN MARCH OF 2011, MANY ARE JUST NOT AWARE OF IT!!! Revelation chapter 8 VS 8-11 And the SECOND ANGEL SOUNDED, and as it were a great MOUNTAIN BURNING with FIRE was cast into the SEA: and the THIRD PART OF THE SEA became BLOOD. And the THIRD PART of the CREATURES which were in the SEA, and had LIFE, DIED; and the THIRD PART OF THE SHIPS WERE DESTOYED. (Note, When a third part of sea life is destroyed those who make their living off of catching sea life like fish, crab, shrimp etc... their SHIPS are destroyed with it for their is no way to make a living, no reason to be in the sea!!! next VS) And the THIRD ANGEL SOUNDED, and there FELL A GREAT STAR FROM HEAVEN, BURNING as it were a LAMP, and it FELL upon the THIRD PART of the RIVERS, and UPON the FOUNTAINS of WATERS; And the name of the STAR is called WORMWOOD: and a THIRD PART of the WATERS became WORMWOOD; and MANY MEN DIED of the WATERS, because THEY WERE MADE BITTER. (Note, I have read in scripture where the Lord mentions, in that day the waters will become poison but not unto thee, which is His elect, His church, His bride, that are faithful only unto Jesus Christ!!! Amen and Amen...) We must also remember even as our Lord God protected Israel from all the plagues in Egypt before they came out of Egypt, He will protect us through this time as well. He has shown us time and time again through out history, how He does and will protect His people in a time of trouble, this time is no different other than it will be a time of trouble like never before!!! We who have the SEAL OF GOD are protected during this evil and trying time that is coming upon the WHOLE WORLD!!! Revelation chapter 7 VS 2-3 And I saw another angel ascending (coming down) from the east, having the SEAL OF THE LIVING GOD: and he CRIED with a LOUD VOICE to the FOUR ANGELS, to whom it was given to hurt the EARTH and the SEA, Saying, Hurt not the EARTH, NEITHER the SEA, NOR the TREES, till WE HAVE SEALED the SERVANTS of OUR GOD IN THEIR FOREHEADS. Revelation chapter 9 VS 4 And it was COMMANDED THEM that they should NOT hurt the GRASS of the EARTH, neither ANY GREEN THING, NEITHER ANY TREE; but ONLY THOSE MEN (WHICH HAVE NOT THE SEAL OF GOD) IN THEIR FOREHEADS. (Note, This scripture alone indicates that the ELECT which has the SEAL OF GOD in our foreheads is still HERE, or else there would be no need to mention only to HURT THOSE WHO DO NOT HAVE THE SEAL OF GOD IN THEIR FOREHEADS! By the loving grace of our Lord God His elect is protected, the evil ones can SEE THE SEAL OF GOD IN OUR FOREHEADS!!! PRAISE OUR LORD GOD FOR HE IS RIGHTEOUS AND TRUE. Amen and Amen...
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 17:09:42 +0000

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