When the prodigal son asks for his inheritance early it was - TopicsExpress


When the prodigal son asks for his inheritance early it was disrespectful. The father consoles with his son but to no avail, still he gives it to him(a sight not taken kindly in the village). The son leaves and undoubtedly sells his inheritance for pennies on the dollar. The son wanted it his way and to be away from his father(his customs, his authority). The Prodigal Son goes to a land far off where it suits his desired lifestyle. He spends his money quick and buys friends. When the money runs out he is deserted, and worse a famine strikes the land. Finally he recognizes the only way to feed himself and hopefully carry his lifestyle is to get a job. Well its not easy as his friends were tied to his wealth. He comes to a prominent man who the son may have known he begs and the man gives in to shut him up. The Prodigal son is given a job feeding pigs. Pigs were seen as unclean and can easily most anything and the idea was he would feed the pigs a pod that had once held beans/peas. The pods were not find for human consumption. Undoubtedly the man who hired the son wanted just trying to sustain the animals long enough to bring a higher price as the famine would drive demand. The son looked even at the slop with hunger. Now theres a turn in the story. The son instead of shaking off the idea of returning home like he probably would have as his condition worsened, now starts to weigh the cost of returning home. His father was a wealthy man. He had hired servants who had a daily wage where they could buy bread(note usually the life of a hired servant was lower than that of a slave. A slave with a good master was fed and given housing. Your workers were the driving force behind your livelihood and undoubtedly youd want them to be in good shape. If you were kind enough to them they may do it gladly. All of these luxuries were not available to the son). The son decides he will go home and bare his shame. The son had a long journey and probably was a spectacle of filth and stench. Starving wouldnt aid his conquest. But he journeys. And still a distance off he starts to near the village. One of his fathers servants sees his son and runs to His master to tell him. The father is sitting at a high point on his land looking and probably at the direction of where his lost son had journeyed. Waiting for his sons return. And today was the day he had been waiting for. He hears his servant speaking of his sons return. Without a moments hesitation he lifts his robe and runs to meet him. (this would have been a spectacle. Men in his position just didnt run, it was custom that he just methodically walked every where. Why was he running? To block the shame and scorn that would undoubtedly come from the village people) The father reaches his putrid and dirty son and kisses him! The son begins to say what he had been thinking of the whole journey home. (Sorry this is all from memory so sorry if this isnt completely correct) Father I have sinned against you. I have dishonored you and am willing to become a hired servant. But before the son could go any further into his apology, the father calls to his servants who were running behind,go and grab one of my robes to cover him, bring a ring to put on his hand, and sandals to put on his feet. The robe would be expensive and a sign of his fathers full acceptance back as his son. The ring as most know was similar and was used for signating wax on letters. And the sandals were a luxury that most would not have. All of these gifts were to let the village know he was forgiven by the father and was reinstated as his TRUSTED son. This also would have been a sight and almost unheard of response to his sons lack of care and obedience. Most who were listening to Jesus tell this parable would be appalled by the fathers actions. A son who was disobedient was subject to death by stoning. a time of persecution where he would sit in the village center and take the scorn of those who passed by. Then he would spend a time working off his debt forever how long the father desired, sometimes never getting back there position as an heir and working for the rest of their lives. Phones about dead. Finish it later.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 20:28:10 +0000

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