When the storms of life come, or temptations, tests or trials we - TopicsExpress


When the storms of life come, or temptations, tests or trials we really have 2 choices, we can allow them to make us bitter or better. Im praying that everything I endured would make me a better Christian. When fiery trials come, God will make a way where there seems to be no way, God will heal our broken hearts. Those are Biblical truths. Through every fiery trial there are lessons to be learned, gifts to be had, blessing bestowed upon us by our God, and a rainbow at the end of the down pour. Read this very carefully to understand exactly what Im saying, not what others would think I mean. I did not wish my Daddy to die. I wanted him whole and well. But that was not Gods plan for my Dads life and my Dad was ready (and he is a saved man) to go home. Of course I hurt, the tears come easily and I miss him dearly. I could have let all I endured over the last couple of months make me angry at God. Oh God why didnt u heal my Dads body? I could have chosen that route. But I didnt and I wont. God knows best and I will not try to fill Gods shoes with what ifs and whys. No I will not. But because I chose a different route, a path of believing God, that everything happens for a reason and Im still standing praising God, I have received invaluable insight, wisdom and knowledge beyond my yrs. I have received blessings, God is healing me even now and I have received gifts. I have received a softened heart and compassion, that as Ive said before can not be taught. I now know how people who are going through what I endured feel, I can offer my support. To me thats big. I dont know who God will use me to bless, or to be there for, to offer Godly advice or an ear to listen and a heart to love. But I am assured that God will use me to be a blessing to others. Its as though Im no longer looking threw foggy lens. I can see clearly now. No longer taking life for granted. Loving each person I come in contact with. Im sure there are many ways God could have opened my eyes. This is the path He chose, I will not question this path. What the devil meant for my harm, God will turn around for my good. I think differently. I am different. Oh Im definitely a work in progress. I am no where near where I want to be. I have habits, negative thoughts, feelings that try to over take me. But I am placing one foot in front of the other daily, believing that God is not through with me yet. A step at a time God is lighting up my path and He is helping me through it all. When my jewelry box got taken I was justly angered. Of course I didnt want my stuff stolen. But as I thought and I prayed about that as well, this is what I know. Whoever stole that jewelry box is one lost soul. I dont wish anything bad to happen to them. What I want more then anything (even more then getting my stuff back) is for them to get right with God. There is nothing this world could throw at them that would be worse then burning in hell for all of eternity. And I wish that on no one and I mean no one. I pray and would love to see everyone getting right with God. I am not storing my treasures here on earth. When Jesus comes back to take me home, or when I pass from this life to the next, whatever comes first, I am not gonna say well wait a minute Jesus let me collect my things from this world. Instead of leaving anything material to anyone in this world I wish to leave a legacy of love. I pray to be that beacon of light for Jesus, I pray to love everyone with Jesus love, as mine is nothing. When people see me coming I want them to say, ya that girl has done some stuff in her past, but boy when she gave her life to Jesus she was truly and faithfully on fire for The Lord! I want them to look straight threw me and to see Jesus instead. I can do nothing apart from my God. (And urs) I have given my life to God, I have excepted Jesus as my personal Lord and savior. I have repented of my sins, and walked away from them. Now anyone who really knows me, knows that Im not perfect. As I said I am a work in progress. But I do go to Church every week, I do pray everyday and I do believe that God is doing a good work inside me. My heart is no longer heavy I have casted all my cares upon The Lord and I am now caring Jesus yoke upon me, which is light. Vengeance is not mine to be had and I would not want it to be. I have the victory through this all! Because if God is for me who could be against me? God has an amazing plan for my life and who am I to decide what that is? No, I will instead take Gods hand and allow Him to lead me and to make my paths straight. Im headed straight for my calling, my purpose and my destiny and I couldnt be more excited! 󾍛-On Fire For The LORD- And Im not allowing nothing to get in the way of that!!!! -Oh yes I am one blessed women of God!!!!
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 18:05:42 +0000

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