When the suffering of another creature causes you to feel pain, do - TopicsExpress


When the suffering of another creature causes you to feel pain, do not submit to the initial desire to flee from the suffering one, but on the contrary, come closer, as close as you can to her who suffers, and try to help her. –Leo Tolstoy, Once mostly unconscious, they are sent down a conveyor belt where their throats are slit, and they are thrown, still alive, into a scalding vat of water. The plant worker featured in the video can be seen throwing pigs into the scalding water. He states simply, ‘Remember this the next time you eat bacon.’ ~~~~~~ Imagine travelling many miles in a cramped trailer, your last meal several hours ago, your last drink of water a distant memory. The heat from the bodies surrounding you is stifling. Bodies covered in bruises, festering cuts, sores slow to heal from weakened immune systems literally dying for nutrition. You look to one of several small slats streaming light across your panicked, fatigued travel companions and you see a group of people calling to you. Their voices are not shrill, so different from the harshness that you have endured as a commodity, rather than a living soul. You pause, panic filling your body, and your friends panic as well, wondering what is to come next. More pain? More sharp sticks poking your delicate skin? What have you done to deserve this? When will it end? And that is when you see them. Up close. These beings have gathered and their presence is calming. You stare at them, and they stare at you. Some are bold and whisper to you, sweet sounds that bring you peace through your wounds and fatigue. The heat seems more bearable as a delicate hand strokes your hot ear for a brief moment. The pain and panic that seemed endless has paused. Movement begins again, and you are taken from these calming beings, toward the smell of death. You are intelligent enough to recognize it, as it has been scientifically proven that you are more intelligent than a dog, and you understand, and feel, fear. The endless cycle continues, but the sweet words are imprinted in your human-like memory. For up to 7,000 pigs each day, this is their reality on their painful journey to the Quality Meat Packers slaughterhouse (9,000 at Fearman’s slaughterhouse, in Burlington, Ontario) and processing plant in Toronto, Ontario. Pigs are led, via electric prod–exhausted and starved after being contained in overcrowded trucks for several hours–into plants where they are forced into carbon dioxide chambers. Once mostly unconscious, they are sent down a conveyor belt where their throats are slit, and they are thrown, still alive, into a scalding vat of water. See the arrival and process in the video here. (Video in link below) The plant worker featured in the video can be seen throwing pigs into the scalding water. He states simply, ‘Remember this the next time you eat bacon.’ This shameful suffering is no longer hidden behind concrete walls, thanks to founder Anita Krajnc, and the people at Toronto Pig Save, an animal rights organization founded in December of 2010. As trucks arrive at what has been nicknamed ‘Pig Island’, the last stop light before the animals make their way into the slaughterhouse parking lot, people are able to peer deeply into the eyes of frightened, exhausted pigs, and murmur a few words, perhaps say a prayer, to give them a few moments of calm before their hellish journey continues to an abrupt, and violent, end. Bear Witness...Support Toronto Pig Save. an1mal.org/2013/03/11/toronto-pig-save-creates-glass-walls-in-local-pig-slaughterhouses/ https://facebook/pages/Toronto-Pig-Save/360465510638858?fref=ts CCTV for ALL Slaughterhouses
Posted on: Sun, 21 Jul 2013 12:39:23 +0000

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