When the work of the prophet of the new time begins, the human - TopicsExpress


When the work of the prophet of the new time begins, the human being will already have entered an impenetrable labyrinth of fear, destruction and degeneration of the worst form of inhumanity. His fear will close his eyes and shut his ears, thus he will no longer be able to see and hear what is happening around him. His reflecting and trying to act will be overshadowed by suspicion and anxiety, and fright will accompany each of his steps. Yet he will not be granted any rest, for he is driven forward constantly. The voice of the prophet of the new time will be forceful, harsh and just because everybody must hear it. And those who shut their ears and pretend to be deaf will also hear his voice. And many will even hear the voice, yet deny it, because they will want to continue accumulating more and more possessions. Thereby they will lose their heads to the illusory images of the god cults, and to those who want to be their master through falsehood and deceit. Thus the human being will be deceived by those who call themselves their “shepherds” – yet there will only be bad shepherds. When the millennium in which the new time prophet dies draws to an end, and when 800 years pass after his death, human beings will have come so far to open their eyes and ears that they will be capable of seeing and hearing. But this will be, because the power of the prophet’s word will begin to take effect over centuries, and will permeate the feelings and thoughts as well as the reason of human beings. It will be a very arduous work that the prophet and his loyal supporters will have to accomplish, however, their dedicated efforts will not fail to be successful. And slowly, the human beings will free themselves from the god cults, and turn toward the truth of the spirit and the Creation. Their heads will no longer be trapped in the delusional teachings of god cults, and they will have their eyes and ears open, thus they will be able to see and hear from one end of the earth to the other, and will be able to understand each other from now on. They will have become cognizant that each blow that strikes the fellow-human being will hurt and injure him. Human beings will form a large community in which each one is a part of the other. True love will create peace and freedom, and will unite humankind. And there will also be one special language beside the many that exist, which will be understood and spoken by all human beings. And this will finally be the start of the birth of the new, the real and true human. And when the end of the millennium draws near, the human being will have conquered the sky (space), and will fly toward the stars. He will also create stars in the deep and dark expanses of the sky where stars are gleaming. He will fly through the air, and travel through space with large ships of shining metal, and will set out on long journeys to search for a new home somewhere out in the far and distant sky . And the human being will be the master of the waters, and will build large cities upon the oceans, and his nourishment will be the fruit of the oceans. And this will be the time when nothing will be prohibited for him any more, because he lives in accordance with the laws of the Creation. The new time will bring about that human beings will be able to communicate with each other without having to use a verbal language, or megaphones, for with their thoughts, feelings and heads they will be able to receive and understand all messages, which another human being thinks and feels. And it will be that human beings will share their dreams with each other, and live long lives. Their life will be as long as those described in the old handed-down texts, who reached an age of one thousand years. And it will be the time when human beings know the secret of all things, thus the body of human beings and animals, the secret of gems and waters, and the look (eyes) of each other human being. He will penetrate all secrets, and will be cognizant of them, and consequently will be able to push open one door after the other into the realm of new life. The human being will be a powerful, productive and bubbling source of new life, and every human being will acquire the knowledge connected with the Creation. The children of the earth will look up into space with reverence, and will be more successful in probing into its secrets than anybody before them. The human being’s body will be stronger, taller and more agile, and his thoughts and feelings as well as his head will embrace all things, and understand and integrate them. But all of this will already begin during the lifespan of the prophet of the new time, for his work will be a valuable contribution in this regard, although it will be denied by many who are jealous or want to know it better. And he will also do much so that the man will no longer be the sole master, for early in his life he will work and be effective so that the woman will come, in order to take hold of the scepter and change the world for the better. Thus, the woman will be the master of the future times, for she is vigorous and powerful, and will impose her will upon men, and will create a better and more harmonious world in peace and freedom. In the third millennium after Jmmanuel’s birth, the woman will rise to become the mother of the millennium. The woman will exude gentleness, love, harmony and peace of the true mother, and will be the perfect beauty and love after the ugliness of barbarity and the death-bringing wars. And the teaching of the prophet will contribute much to that end, whereby the new time in its evolutionary path transforms into a time of ease, in which human beings will sincerely and truly love and share, dream together and make dreams come true. And when this second birth becomes reality for the human being, thoughts and feelings and the head will get hold of the majority of human beings who, in loving their fellow-human being, are altogether one. That will be the end of barbarity, the end of wars and the end of evil. A time of knowledge and wisdom will dawn, and bring near to human beings the true meaning of life, which the prophet of the new time will unwaveringly teach and carry into the world, in spite of treacherous attacks on his life. Through his teachings happy days will begin for human beings from the new time onward, when human beings find the path of peace, freedom, and the teaching of the spirit, and walk on it. Then the earth will again have its standing rules and regulations. At the beginning only a few courageous ones will follow the words and the teaching of the prophet whereby their path will be quite tough and strenuous. So at first, only a few loyal ones will distinguish themselves and toil for their reward, yet the time will come when they quickly multiply, and will be in large numbers around the world. Already at the time of the new prophet, many roads will lead from one city to another, and from one end of the world to the other, and soon roads will also wind endlessly through the sky. The withered green of meadows and forests will recover, waters will be clean and pure again, and water will be brought into the deserts, where everything will then sprout and bloom. And soon the earth will be like a new garden, where the human being will respect everything that grows, blooms, moves around, crawls and flies. He will put his heart into scrubbing, and keeping clean everything that he has soiled, and will look upon the earth with love and joy, and consider it to be his new home. Love, harmony, knowledge and wisdom will become his obligation, and he will think of knowledge and wisdom all of his life, all of his following lives, as well as every day and every morning. Each human being will think and act in the same manner and he will know more about his body and head, his thoughts and feelings, as well as about the laws of life and of the Creation than was the case ever before. And there will also come the time when diseases and sicknesses will be recognized and healed before they are able to manifest. And the human being will learn that he is able to prevent and to heal many of his own diseases and sicknesses. He will also learn, however, that he has to stand by and help the poor and the weak, not only out of necessity but for the sake of love toward the fellow-human being, and in order to sustain the entire nature of being a human being. Thus the human being will also open his heart and purse to the poor and the destitute, and leave behind the regrettable times of barbarity, greediness, and reticence. And when finally the new time is dawning, the human being will finally understand to be in the correct way the true guardian of human conduct in accordance with statutes and regulations, and understand in the correct way to be the true guardian of life, of the earth and its nature, including all living things. For in this far and distant time to come, the human being will have learned to give and share, and to give up the taking for the purpose of satisfying his greed for profit. The human being will finally be a human being, and will no longer be alone among the many. His loneliness will be gone, and he will finally become cognizant of the real truth and the laws of the Creation and life, and of dying and death. All human beings will acknowledge each other, and will no longer make a difference between various races, god cults, and between the rich and the poor. But all this will only happen when the worldwide wars and firestorms, the evil cruelties of human beings, and all the apocalyptic catastrophes triggered through nature and the earth have ended. Then new buildings and towers will grow out of the charred rubble of cities and villages, but an iron fist (strong hand) will be necessary to bring back the standing rules and regulations into the chaos created by human beings. And it will be of utmost necessity that the prophet of the new time let his powerful word ring out and bring the teaching of the truth and the spirit, for this will be the power that enables the human being to find the right path again. And through the new prophet’s teaching, the human being will become cognizant that not only he but also all living beings are bearers of the spirit and the light, and are creatures that must be respected. And when the human being knows that, then he will create new cities on earth, upon the waters, under the waters, and in the sky where he will travel with silvery gleaming, metallic ships. Thus, the human being will remember what once was, and he will also know how to probe into the days and times to come. He will learn to understand procreation and birth, as well as life, dying and death, and will lose all anxiety and fear of it, because he will turn toward the teaching of the prophet. And the human being’s age will be that of several lives, because his lifespan will be extended, and he will become cognizant that light never extinguishes, and that life also continues in death and in living again – for his knowledge will become all-encompassing wisdom.
Posted on: Wed, 28 Aug 2013 07:41:00 +0000

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