When they come to deliver you your next 9/11 remember these scenes - TopicsExpress


When they come to deliver you your next 9/11 remember these scenes dont ask stupid questions like why. This is why. A father crouched down behind a small shelter desperately trying to protect his son waving & pleading for help shot mercilessly. This video is from at least a decade ago nothing has changed. One of these orphans that the US government has slaughtered will come back & exact revenge. As sure as the sun will rise tomorrow one of these children will grow up & with nothing to lose, seek revenge. You will be taking off your shoes & belts for years to come & you will never know safety or security & I promise you not all the NSA spying in the world will protect you from that lone wolf. Your government will not be able to protect you. When it happens dont say it was extremist radical Muslims lunatics, it wasnt. It was your government that did this to you. Forget what your children are listening to or watching or the cold they might get the future of your children is in your hands. Demand of your government to stop this slaughter demand of your congressman, senator or whoever your representative is. Demand that they stop this blind unequivocal support for Israel demand they stop sending your tax dollars to kill children. They dont have money to fix your bankrupt cities support your veterans your schools hospitals or healthcare system but have $US 3.5 BILLION PER YEAR to give to Israel to kill in your name? Before anyone accuses me of it or if Im offending anyone please understand: Im NOT promoting violence or hatred or killing Im stating a fact: the reality of human nature is that you can not continue to oppress, slaughter, segregate, pilferage rape, & embezzle from a race of people & not expect them to seek justice. Throughout history we have witnessed it from Ottoman Empire Greeks Roman South African apartheid the highlands of Scotland the battle fields of Britain everywhere where one group attempts to oppress another they seek revenge, eventually. You can not avoid it & any attempts to is futile. These Palestinians that have been slaughtered suppressed & robbed for 70 years will seek revenge. I could give a rats ass about politics the slaughter of these innocent children has to stop. I pray every night for peace & safety for ALL children
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 09:43:41 +0000

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