When things begin to resound in the Spirit we must give ear. God - TopicsExpress


When things begin to resound in the Spirit we must give ear. God gave me a song and a vision a few years back and I spoke on Isaiah 35, the highway of holiness last weekend at the burn and today I received two prophesies again with this morning mentioning this as well. A Powerful God - Revealing A Powerful People - Prophecy (A very powerful prophecy and vision released during the Healing School Session at SOG on Tuesday, 03-25-14) Children, I want to possess you. I want to possess your soul. I want to possess your spirit, and I want to posses your body. I want a full vessel. I dont want just a little bit of you. I want to completely fill you with myself. I dont want a compartment. I dont want you to hide little areas from Me. I want you to surrender fully. I want you to give Me 100% of you, so I can fill you 100% of Me. For I must fill you completely, in order to use you in the manner that I want to in the days ahead. For I will not have day old bread anymore. I will not have a half full glass of water. No! I want to pour out in this generation, all of Myself! I dont want to withhold because of the maturity level of My Children. I dont want to pull back. I dont want to restrain, but I want to release My Waves through My People! I want to flood the earth with the knowledge of Me! I want to fill you entirely! I want to burn in you! I want to burn in your bones! I want to burn in your eyes! I want to burn in your ears, in your mouth, and your mouth, and your feet! I want you to burn day and night! I want My Wind to blow through you, and blow out of your pores! I want My Oil to flow out of your feet, and flow on the ground! I want thunder and lightning to come out of your eyes, and out of your mouth! I want signs and wonders that follow you in the earth! I want you to give birth, for I am birthing My People in this hour, and I have a People of Power! For I am a God of Power! I am not a weak God, but I have a weak People! Because I have a weak People, I cannot show Myself powerful! But I say, let Me have My way, and I shall have a Powerful People, that reveal a Powerful God, that displays power to the nations, and reaps the harvest in power, in this hour! A brief gap till the next part of the prophecy: Choose not to be weak anymore. Choose not to be afraid or doubt. Choose not to try to figure it out. Just let me have My way! Choose to accept Me, and receive Me all the way! Just say yes to Me. You dont have to do anything. As you say yes, I come in! For as you open the door, I will pour! I just want more! I want more of My Church! I want My Church back! No more control! No more control! You shall not control Me in this hour! You shall not tell Me when to move, and when not to move, what I can say, and what I cannot say! And how I want to do it, I will do it My way! For I shall have My way! I shall heal My way! I shall deliver My way! I shall save My way! I shall speak My way! I shall move and manifest Myself, My way! I am making the New Way! I am the Highway of Holiness! I am that Highway that is being built in the wilderness! I am that way that no man knows of, but I will take you and put you on, and you will bring many others onto it. For I am establishing a New High-Way in the earth, and it shall be known as the High and Holy Way; and on it, no one shall be sick; and on it, no one shall be weak; and on it, no one shall be broken; and no one shall be fearful! For I am the High Way! I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and no man comes but through Me in this hour! I say, receive Me! Receive Me in power! For I am coming on you, even from this very hour! I am coming in, and I will break every barrier that is within! I will flood your being! I will break the dam of opposition! I will undo all of the entanglements that are in you! I shall arrest you, and I shall inhabit you, and I shall flood you with Me, because I love you, and I am coming in entirely! I am going to change you, and you are going to be new, and the world is going to wonder at you! A brief gap till the vision is shared: While the students were sitting in their seats tonight, I saw the angels standing by each student with clipboards in their hands. The clipboards had charts on them, much like a medical chart, but this was a surrender chart. They were charting our growth of surrender with little dots that connected the lines. As we surrendered more, they would up the little dot until it got to the top, then they took the chart away. Then the angels said, they are ready. God is not going to give power to ones that are not all the way, and one by one, the angels would look at your little surrender meter inside of you, and they would check off that level on your chart, and when it reached the top, the chart then flew away. You were ready. All of the little charts started flying up through the ceiling, and they were going, because we were growing. That was the chart of our growth, and the Lord has been getting us to the point where we would surrender all the way. When we surrendered, then the chart left, and the Lord could come and fill us. - The end. The short podcast of this can be found at: revsusanthebrave.podomatic/entry/2014-03-26T05_43_50-07_00 Scriptures: Habakkuk 2:13 Behold, is it not by appointment of the Lord of hosts that the nations toil only to satisfy the fire [that A Powerful God - Revealing A Powerful People - Prophecy (A very powerful prophecy and vision released during the Healing School Session at SOG on Tuesday, 03-25-14) Children, I want to possess you. I want to possess your soul. I want to possess your spirit, and I want to posses your body. I want a full vessel. I dont want just a little bit of you. I want to completely fill you with myself. I dont want a compartment. I dont want you to hide little areas from Me. I want you to surrender fully. I want you to give Me 100% of you, so I can fill you 100% of Me. For I must fill you completely, in order to use you in the manner that I want to in the days ahead. For I will not have day old bread anymore. I will not have a half full glass of water. No! I want to pour out in this generation, all of Myself! I dont want to withhold because of the maturity level of My Children. I dont want to pull back. I dont want to restrain, but I want to release My Waves through My People! I want to flood the earth with the knowledge of Me! I want to fill you entirely! I want to burn in you! I want to burn in your bones! I want to burn in your eyes! I want to burn in your ears, in your mouth, and your mouth, and your feet! I want you to burn day and night! I want My Wind to blow through you, and blow out of your pores! I want My Oil to flow out of your feet, and flow on the ground! I want thunder and lightning to come out of your eyes, and out of your mouth! I want signs and wonders that follow you in the earth! I want you to give birth, for I am birthing My People in this hour, and I have a People of Power! For I am a God of Power! I am not a weak God, but I have a weak People! Because I have a weak People, I cannot show Myself powerful! But I say, let Me have My way, and I shall have a Powerful People, that reveal a Powerful God, that displays power to the nations, and reaps the harvest in power, in this hour! A brief gap till the next part of the prophecy: Choose not to be weak anymore. Choose not to be afraid or doubt. Choose not to try to figure it out. Just let me have My way! Choose to accept Me, and receive Me all the way! Just say yes to Me. You dont have to do anything. As you say yes, I come in! For as you open the door, I will pour! I just want more! I want more of My Church! I want My Church back! No more control! No more control! You shall not control Me in this hour! You shall not tell Me when to move, and when not to move, what I can say, and what I cannot say! And how I want to do it, I will do it My way! For I shall have My way! I shall heal My way! I shall deliver My way! I shall save My way! I shall speak My way! I shall move and manifest Myself, My way! I am making the New Way! I am the Highway of Holiness! I am that Highway that is being built in the wilderness! I am that way that no man knows of, but I will take you and put you on, and you will bring many others onto it. For I am establishing a New High-Way in the earth, and it shall be known as the High and Holy Way; and on it, no one shall be sick; and on it, no one shall be weak; and on it, no one shall be broken; and no one shall be fearful! For I am the High Way! I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and no man comes but through Me in this hour! I say, receive Me! Receive Me in power! For I am coming on you, even from this very hour! I am coming in, and I will break every barrier that is within! I will flood your being! I will break the dam of opposition! I will undo all of the entanglements that are in you! I shall arrest you, and I shall inhabit you, and I shall flood you with Me, because I love you, and I am coming in entirely! I am going to change you, and you are going to be new, and the world is going to wonder at you! A brief gap till the vision is shared: While the students were sitting in their seats tonight, I saw the angels standing by each student with clipboards in their hands. The clipboards had charts on them, much like a medical chart, but this was a surrender chart. They were charting our growth of surrender with little dots that connected the lines. As we surrendered more, they would up the little dot until it got to the top, then they took the chart away. Then the angels said, they are ready. God is not going to give power to ones that are not all the way, and one by one, the angels would look at your little surrender meter inside of you, and they would check off that level on your chart, and when it reached the top, the chart then flew away. You were ready. All of the little charts started flying up through the ceiling, and they were going, because we were growing. That was the chart of our growth, and the Lord has been getting us to the point where we would surrender all the way. When we surrendered, then the chart left, and the Lord could come and fill us. - The end. The short podcast of this can be found at: revsusanthebrave.podomatic/entry/2014-03-26T05_43_50-07_00 Scriptures: Habakkuk 2:13 Behold, is it not by appointment of the Lord of hosts that the nations toil only to satisfy the fire [that will consume their work], and the peoples weary themselves only for emptiness, falsity, and futility? 14 But [the time is coming when] the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea. Isaiah 35:8 And a highway shall be there, and a way; and it shall be called the Holy Way. The unclean shall not pass over it, but it shall be for the redeemed; the wayfaring men, yes, the simple ones and fools, shall not err in it and lose their way. 9 No lion shall be there, nor shall any ravenous beast come up on it; they shall not be found there. But the redeemed shall walk on it. John 14:6 Jesus said to him, I am the Way and the Truth and the Life; no one comes to the Father except by (through) Me. Acts 11:21 And the presence of the Lord was with them with power, so that a great number [learned] to believe (to adhere to and trust in and rely on the Lord) and turned and surrendered themselves to Him. - Susan OMarra - 03-25-14
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 19:37:24 +0000

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