When tragedy strikes our world (ISIS, ebola, etc), and many - TopicsExpress


When tragedy strikes our world (ISIS, ebola, etc), and many wrestle to make sense of the chaos it brings, there always seems to be one (or many) Christians who somewhat robotically/coldly say something to the effect of: “well, you know it’s the last days’”... Some things to consider: 1. This answer rarely proves helpful in bringing a renewed sense of hope/peace. 2. The “last days” have been going on for 2000 years so far (see Acts 2), and may continue for a long period of time more, so at least be honest w/ the biblical story and don’t selectively omit this little detail (I personally don’t know *how* our world can function as it is much longer though). 3. In assuming the best of others I believe statements like the above serve as short-hand, pointing to the larger reality of Jesus’ return, to set the world to right (Titus 2:13, 2 Pet. 3:13). IMO (take it for what it’s worth), stick w/ the long-hand...take the time to tell (announce) the *whole* story, as oversimplification & reductionism only promotes hopelessness & fear. In other words, point troubled hearts to Jesus, as he promises the make all things new...this is the great hope of those who follow this crucified/resurrected/ascended King... “...I have told you these things, so that in me you may have *peace*. In *this* world you will have *trouble*. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” -John 16:33
Posted on: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 14:47:30 +0000

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