When us women pray about a husband, or men about a wife.. Theres 2 - TopicsExpress


When us women pray about a husband, or men about a wife.. Theres 2 ways to Wait !!!! All of us will wait passively, or well wait expectantly. A passive person hopes something good will happen and is willing to sit around waiting to see if it does. After a short time, they gives up, saying, That’s it! Ive waited and waited and nothings happened. The passive person has a lot of wishbone but not much backbone! The expectant person, on the other hand, is hopeful, believing the answer is just around the corner, due to arrive any minute. Their belief is not a passive thing. Their heart is full of hope, expecting their problem to be solved at any moment. They wake up every morning expecting to find their answer.. They may wait and wait, but suddenly what they been waiting for happens. Expect It to Happen It’s just like when a woman is pregnant; its said that she is expecting a baby. She carries inside her the promise of a baby, and even though she can’t see it, she knows its there. The moment she learns of her pregnancy, she begins to plan for her babys arrival. She starts collecting items shell need and busily gets the nursery ready. She actively prepares for the arrival of the baby because she knows the promise will be fulfilled—its just a matter of time. She is expectant and shell wait as long as it takes. We know the word wait means to expect or to look for. But remember, it also means to serve — just like a waiter waits on your table at a restaurant. Our act of waiting isn’t supposed to be spent sitting around passively hoping that something will happen sometime soon. Be Eager with Faith Once weve asked God to answer a question or solve a problem, we need to be eagerly awaiting His answer. We need to be serving actively, aggressively and expectantly. When our hearts are eager to hear from God, He loves to rush in suddenly with His solution. In many cases this waiting period actually serves as a time of preparation for the answer. If God answered right away, many of us would be ill-prepared to handle His solution.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 06:40:59 +0000

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