When we are actually being who we are meant to be, society is not - TopicsExpress


When we are actually being who we are meant to be, society is not going to like us. Prophetically speaking, our destiny as a body is to be given over into the hands of our enemy, for refinement, for change. Because WE ARE the proverbial frog in the pan of water which is getting hotter and hotter, tricking the frog into becoming boiled to death, we are so backslidden from what the norm is (supposed to be) in Christ that even the light we think we see is actually darkness. Who understands the basics of the Gospel? By the fruit Id have to say that our leaders definitely dont perceive the truth. If they are unable to see it while passing it down to the rest of us, what they call scripture, is in truth a false Gospel. Since we are unable to understand the earthly truths there is no way that we can grasp the heavenly realities. We are infected with a cancer. A cancer that has to be removed. This cancer is a counterfeit spirit performing demonic signs and wonders. Even though it says that Judgment begins with the house of God we are focusing on changing society, the cities in which we live, every where but the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of God is in each and every believer. We are more concerned about those things outside of the Kingdom than we are about the Truth that lives in us. Because of this, everything we do is wood, hay and stubble. The gold, silver and precious stones are found in us in the Spirit who is our nature. Dont develop a plan on changing your town or city, develop the plan that will change your life first, then let the Spirit lead you into your destiny.
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 09:09:49 +0000

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