When we lose a pet, we are usually coping with our own grief and - TopicsExpress


When we lose a pet, we are usually coping with our own grief and are not focused on how the rest of the furry family is handling it. Most of the time, the remaining pets handle the change well. Occasionally it becomes clear that the friend left behind is seriously struggling to adjust to the loss of their companion. What behaviors might you observe that can indicate there is a problem? Minor disturbances can be normal and may include: • Diminished appetite. • Changes in activity or energy level. • Pets relating differently to each other than they did before. • Problems carrying out the regular routine. • Being more aloof or more clingy. The best way to help surviving pets is to start helping right away, before their behavior changes. Here are some ways to do that: • Add extra enrichment. Put their food in puzzle toys and give bones or chew toys. This can engage them where their usual routine might not. • Take walks. Activity does everyone good and helps with perspective. • Engage in play. The chemicals released in play can make all involved parties feel better. • Evaluate current routines. Sometimes an older or sick pet has dictated how things in the household are done. Some surviving pets may need that routine to be the same. Others may handle the loss better if fewer daily cues are there that are similar to the way they were before. It can be hard for sensitive pets to see that you are so emotional. Pets can be the best cure for our sadness, but be watchful of the toll that emotions are taking on them. If they seem to be affected, it may be best to try to control extreme emotions around them. Instead, focus on spending positive time together. Realize that new behaviors can be learned in these situations, too. If you increase the value of their food, for example, they may begin to be pickier eaters. However, a good general rule is to help the pet through the crisis as needed and then wean away from new habits you don’t want to continue after a few weeks of transition. Some pets can have a profound response to the loss. More severe symptoms can indicate other underlying medical or behavioral issues and should be immediately brought up to your veterinarian: • Severe destruction or escape when left. • Self-injury. • Failure to eat. • Lack of social engagement. • Aggression between remaining pets. • Shaking, drooling or hiding. Pets with fear or anxiety prior to losing their friend may be most at risk. When a pet has been relying on the other pet for coping with their own problems, symptoms can be severe, as they lose their main strategy for handling life. Surviving pets that are also older may have been more reliant on the other pet for sensory perception or guidance in decision-making. Saying goodbye can be hard for pets, too. Dr. Jennie Willis is an instructor of animal behavior at Colorado State University and consults with people and their pets to improve problem behaviors. For pet tips and scientific information, follow her on twitter @askdrwillis and Animal Behavior Insights on Facebook.
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 04:04:59 +0000

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