When we talk about change management , we must bear in mind that - TopicsExpress


When we talk about change management , we must bear in mind that there are very clear signs in our companies that identify very precisely the need for change . We have to be very attentive to these characteristics, which are often subtle and are often undetected by the owners of the printing , more concerned with the conduct of day-to - day operations , billing , accounts payable , the customers , problems in production and have therefore often a view toward daily events of the graphic . One of the striking symptoms , to detect a need to change is the permanent repetition of the same problems, for example, production errors , discards caused by miscommunication sales with PCP , or excessive budgets without the expected results in addition to low returns on customer visits. These are just a few examples that give us a very clear signal that change is needed . Bad change what ? We have to change working methods and often personal unmotivated . We have to renew our work goals as well, mainly thorough review concepts and attitudes that are not always very clear in our minds . For this reason , we can seek the help of outside consultants with their practice allow us to see new concepts and new challenges of the world in which we live . Another characteristic symptom is when problems arise and make repeated attempts to solve the problems without success. This is quite common in the area of production, PCP and marketing orientation . The inability or inexperience of graphics, all attempts to reorganize and solve problems remain without positive results . Again we stress the need to move the concepts and attitudes to achieve the expected results . No use changing work methods if the basics were not reconsidered and again prepared , having been established targets to achieve results . This instant is valid adoption of Good Manufacturing Practices Rules and Procedures apply in all areas system. A third symptom that appears in our businesses, and is quite characteristic of small and medium-sized family businesses is the low level of engagement of employees without specific reasons . The reasons for this behavior, the causes of demotivation being checked should be studied . Usually the cause is a lack of guidance from the heads of departments of the company , which lets employees through the loose without a definite goal and no specific collection of results . In this case , we have evidenced the lack of attitudes on the part of those in charge of the graphic . Finally we can see if something is wrong with our company , if we have large staff turnover . The CEO can print participatory management methodologies , particularly where concepts are clearly defined so that subordinates take the right actions to take forward the proposed changes that should primarily target business results . Another goal to be reached is that each employee of the graphic , irrespective of position or function , will work to grab and actually wear the shirt of the company. If this does not happen , or we have the right man in the wrong place or they have the wrong man . We talked quite in need of change and its symptoms . But I wonder : do we have to change? What are the objectives of the change ? In my view , we have to change constantly to monitor the evolution not only of printing equipment and its technology , and mostly bad management styles to better serve this market which is daily in demanding greater speed , higher quality and competitive prices . If we do not change , we run the risk of losing the race to the competitor in a single heartbeat . Still answering the question of what is the purpose of the change we could say that for the development and growth of the company as a whole, the change is not only beneficial , but especially critical to their survival . The goal should be to focus on the personality of the graphic and, through it , to give opportunity for each employee reaches the maximum of excellence, turning the company into a customers problem solver and thus managing to keep alive in this world concurred in which we live . We have to relearn how to look at our company . This is only possible if we dedicate ourselves to look a little more out of the graphics than inside the company . By this we mean that the graph should look at the market for technology and economic information . Attending courses and seminars , visiting exhibitions and foremost , constantly informing the specialized literature in graphic , marketing, economics and marketing , graphic entrepreneur will facilitate their entry into the world of change. * Thomaz Caspary s Consultant Coach and Director of Printconsult Ltda . [email protected]
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 13:14:10 +0000

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