When we were first told about the evils of ICE we thought we were - TopicsExpress


When we were first told about the evils of ICE we thought we were a little more prepared for this. I got the impression that Tyler was going to be brought to the threshold of death but then brought back. I expected the brought back to be a little quicker than this! Boy were we in for a brutal awakening!! When he has complications and his ANC is still 0, things get worse. We were aware of this. One thing turns into two and two into three...on and on it goes. They have never seen some one vomit as much as Tyler (16-19 liters in a day without food and drink) and plus having diarrhea on top of that! Most kids dont throw this up the week after chemo. Tyler either had some kind of virus to start this off or it was just colitis. The NP told me today that Tyler actually stayed home longer than most kids after having this chemo (we made it seven days) and fevers is what brings most kids in (Tyler didnt start running a fever until 2 or 3 days after he was admitted). We were blessed in that aspect. Today Tylers ANC is still 0, but his RBC had increased! Yay! No blood transfusions, but platelets were low so he had platelets again. His fever is staying under control. The drainage in his tube started turning a tannish brown last night from the dark green it had been since Sunday, and today before Tyler pulled his NG tube it was yellow! The color they want to see. Tyler pulled out the NJ and NG tubes today. They both had become dislodged and was creating more problems. If his stomach ache persists and/or if vomiting gets worse they will insert another NG to drain his stomach again. We will worry with another feeding tube when he is over this, and either before or after next chemo get another. He is on three antibiotics not counting his bactrim he takes Monday - Wednesday weekly. I couldnt tell you all of the other meds he is on for each problem he is having, but his IV pole is loaded down with equipment and IV bags, and it gets confusing when an alarm is going off. Hes hooked up to a monitor and needs oxygen every once in a while, but he opted for the mask since both nostrils were full with tubing already. He might get worse before he gets better, but I feel there were several positive/improving things that happened today!! I feel hes on the down hill slide and it might be slow, but we are thankful and grateful for the improvements no matter how small or big they are!! Thanks so much for the prayers!! They are very much appreciated and still needed!! God bless!!
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 20:34:41 +0000

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