When we were in our elementary school, in Batangas, we used to get - TopicsExpress


When we were in our elementary school, in Batangas, we used to get our drinking and daily use water from Hilira, a small river where there are also springs of water coming from the root of the trees and are approximately 300 meters away from our home. We used to get up early in the morning to take a bath in there, which is very cold & to draw water from it as well. Sometimes, when our cousin comes early than us, we will not find anymore water and needed to wait several hours, otherwise we will draw water in the afternoon after school. Let us continue with our verse in John 4:5-7 6 Jacobs well was there, and Jesus, tired as he was from the journey, sat down by the well. It was about the sixth hour. 7 When a Samaritan woman came to draw water, Jesus said to her, Will you give me a drink? The scenario between Jesus & the Samaritan Women took place about sixth hour, in John 4:5c The Living Bible (TLB) version says Jesus was tired from the long walk in the hot sun and sat wearily beside the well which we can assume that this is in the middle of the day. It happen in noon time and Jesus sat wearily which proves that He indeed is 100% man, He must be so thirsty as well. Sometimes, your needs is the way of God to meet not only your needs but also the needs of others. Also, you can imagine that this Samaritan woman is taking the water at noon. My question in this event is: Why does this woman draw water in the middle of the day? Could she be eating her lunch and was choke and found out that her water jar was empty & so she rush to the well? Could this only be her available time due to the business of her daily choir? Or could it be that she is hiding from someone and wanted not to be seen? She may not be choked because she should draw water at once and drink when she reaches there. She may not be busy, else, she will not spend time talking with Jesus, and so, we can assume that she is hiding from somebody, from her own people I believed. It doesn’t matter to her if she walk far under the sunny day with the heat of the road, as long as she can hide. I remember the time I stumble, I don’t want anybody to see me in the house or when I am coming. If only I can make my own stair or elevator going to my room, I will do it (we are living in a villa and our room is located in the roof top) because I felt whenever people see me, they will start talking about me, what happen to or how am I doing, so what I naturally did in those day is to timing my coming home and going out. We people, especially Christians, are trying our best to isolate ourselves when we are in sin, instead of confessing it, ask forgiveness and continue our walk with God, we hide, we isolate, we stop praying, we stop attending fellowship and what happen next, sin easily entangled us, conviction was gone. Another thing we see here is Jesus, asking for the water “Will you give me a drink?” He could be asking literally for water, but also, this could be spiritually. I say it is Spiritual because Jesus said in John 4:34 that My food,… is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work.” If I rephrase it, Jesus might be saying “Will you give me a chance to do the will of God in your life?” Have confident on this: “that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” Phil 1:6 Please note, during those days, men talking with a women without her husband or the men without his wife is not allowed. In Saudi Arabia this practices are still being implemented. Note likewise that Jews talking with the Samaritan is restricted on those days for the Jews will be branded as unclean in doing that. We can see here that Jesus breaks the Cultural, Religion & Social barrier when He started the conversation. However, it is the way of Jesus to open up a conversation. He knows exactly the need of the Samaritan women and so He started to talk about her needs, not specifically the needs of Jesus. Sometimes we have problems of how to open up conversation in our attempt to introduce Christ. Here, Jesus focused about the needs of the women and not His needs. If there is ONE TOPIC that will get the interest and attention of your hearer, that is, to talk about THEIR LIFE, not yours, unless otherwise the Holy Spirit prompted you to share yours. Application: Stop hiding, you can be free! Meet Jesus in the well, He is waiting for you. “Will you give me a drink?” that is, to do the will of God in your life?
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 05:22:40 +0000

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