When you Give! (II Cor. 9:6-8) Other than LOVE being a divine - TopicsExpress


When you Give! (II Cor. 9:6-8) Other than LOVE being a divine character of God the Father, Believe that GIVING is as well! Thinking of a lady who was at a bus stop today on my way to Starbucks! She ran to my car to ask in a begging type manner to get money supposedly to catch the bus! Of course, I threw up my hands as if I had none, but her face looked so pitiful and needful! When she walked away, suddenly dawn on me I had a few dollars in my pocket, so I drove up in the gas station & beckoned her over and asked her if she needed money to catch the bus. She then stated yes, and I gave her some money! This is not something I normally do, but felt so compelled by the Holy Spirit to help her out! Felt good after driving away! However, the point being here is to be alert and watch out for the manipulative games being displayed in alot of churches & by supposing ministers of God! There are 2 principal ways money is extracted from you in such cases and that is 1) Sympathy & pity (like the lady looked when approaching my car) & 2) Fear or Curse! This latter is perhaps the biggest one used here in getting the child of God to think that God is angry with you when you do not give, and he/she is Cursed with a Curse!!! Not so!!! Let me pen it for you here as Apostle Paul wrote from the King James version, 6) But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly;and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully.7) Every man ACCORDING AS HE PURPOSETH IN HIS HEART, SO LET HIM GIVE;NOT GRUDGINGLY OR OF NECESSITY: FOR GOD LOVETH A CHEERFUL GIVER. 8) And God is able to make ALL GRACE (unmerited Favor) abound toward you;that ye, ALWAYS having all sufficiency in ALL THINGS, may abound to every GOOD WORK. (See verse 9 also) It seems that there is no Curse here being administered! No Manipulation or control, you know stuff that comes under the LAW! But rather the PROPER ATTITUDE in your HEART in Giving that is acceptable to God and that is a Cheerful HEART! You ever have someone give you something begrudgingly? I rather you KEEP IT!!! God is no different people of God! If you dont want to give it, KEEP IT! You may being sowing DEAD SEEDS is why there is seemingly no HARVEST!!! God bless you! Well, sure someone is upset with this!!!! :) Love you! Q,Insp
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 01:21:36 +0000

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