When you are a little girl you tend to put all your hope, trust, - TopicsExpress


When you are a little girl you tend to put all your hope, trust, and faith in your Daddy. I see that with my own daughter now. From experience I can tell you that when that isnt there in the human form, it is very difficult and lonely. I can also tell you that others can come forth and you can put your hopes, dreams, time, and love in them, but many times that just leads to disappointment. We are all just human after all. When things are missing in our lives, when our hearts are callused by years and events of disappointment and loss, we can still remain hopeful. While I came to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ when I was 9, I did not get to know Him as well as I should have until my late teens. My hopes and trusts were in the wrong things. I was still looking and longing for Daddy. One day He came for me even though years prior He called me His. I remember being born again, born afresh, born relieved. While I never found my earthly Daddy replacement, my heavenly Daddy came to me and rescued me from a life of turmoil and pain. Ive read the Easter story over and over and over again this week trying to understand the release Jesus gave. The release of his spirit, his body, his LIFE. Father, forgive them, He said. He said this in absolute human agony. An agony I cannot even begin to imagine. And then, how did God also release his one and only precious son into the hands of those who want to kill him? It HAD to be hard on both accounts. We can never imagine. Yet, Jesus laid it all down. He gave is ALL up, but for what?! WHY? Why did God give his ONLY son, whom he loved so dearly?! Wasnt there another a way, a BETTER way?! No. Just plain and simple, no. Jesus said that it was finished on the cross. He said it was over. The people did not understand and many still do not. Lets chase a rabbit here. What was over? Many say that Jesus was a good man, but no Messiah. What are they not seeing?! When He said it was over what He said was I win, Satan! Satan thought he had it all figured out and that killing Jesus gave him complete rule. He didnt know that when He rose again it proved to the world who the true king was. He also said He is coming back for His believers. Now, back to the point of all this. I want you to see where Ive been going here. I want you to see the struggle Ive been dealing with intensely in my heart for quite some time (you can say years). When Jesus was crucified He ALONE bore ALL the sins of man, man past, present, and future - ALL sins of all man. He was and is FORGIVENESS. His life, his hopes, his dreams, his mission on earth was all for forgiveness. It was for YOU! It was for ME! And so as I sit and read the Easter story, read about resurrection eggs, do crafts with the kids, I cannot shake the conviction of my heart to forgive. I searched hard in this world for my Daddy. Lo and behold all the while, He was searching for me. When I found Him I was forgiven. While my road has been difficult, lonely, unhealthy at times, beautiful at times, sorrowful at times, when I came to find Jesus not just with a meaningless prayer, but with a heart of surrender, I found my Daddy. And He calls me His own. So here I am. I sit in an uncomfortable position. My family in an uncomfortable position. I have sat in opposition of forgiveness for my earthly father for my entire life. Its been hard. I am only partially a victim. When I came of age to understand, though be it not wise, I still chose to hold a grudge. Looking at my Daddy in heaven that I love so dearly, who forgave and forgives me SO much, how can I not release myself and others from bondage of this evil lie?! Satan pulls the wool over the eyes of us sheep so often (its his mission). It is our duty to be watchful of our shepherd, to hear his voice, and to obey. Today, thank you Lord Jesus I choose to forgive. It is well with my soul. Praise God from who all blessings flow. My lips sing your praises. You have forgiven me again. If you are struggling with unforgiveness today, contact me and I can pray with you. It feels lonely, I know. But, you, my love, are not alone. Happy Good Friday, friends! You are forgiven!
Posted on: Sat, 19 Apr 2014 02:39:14 +0000

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