When you are born again and live in obedience to God and His - TopicsExpress


When you are born again and live in obedience to God and His word, you will attract God and become everything that God has created you to be. You have a sound mind, sound idea, sound health and sound prosperity. There is no barrenness or obscurity in the covenant, no poverty in the covenant, and no stagnation in the covenant. You have a covenant of life with fruitfulness. You are empowered to rule, reign and dominate your world. The scripture says “And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion” Gen 1:28. When you live with this mentality, difficult things will become easy; and the test of life will become a testimony. Deut. 28:4. Right where you are, Divine revelation provokes divine provision. You need idea to make money, not money to make idea. There will be no fruitfulness for visionless believers. Revelational idea is the platform for enduring fruitfulness in life. It will shock you to know that Ambition is not vision. Vision provokes inspiration and inspiration creates direction and manifestation. Therefore, you do not need money to commence a project but a revelation. Please do all you can to pursue your dreams!!! The Children of Israel in their wilderness experience were so intimidated, oppressed and confused. They forgot that they had an ability that could create value and wealth around them. They focused on their problem and forgot the promises of God. Boy oh boy, sometimes the pressure of life can make you forget your identity in the covenant; pressure of life can disconnect some of us from the presence of God. It can make us to suffer some setback and disconnect us from our destiny pursuit. Just as when Moses did not realize the value of the rod in his hand and allowed the cry of the people around him to distract him from divine direction, until God reminded Him that he had a rod on his hand Exodus 14:15-16. Fruitfulness is getting result as a covenant child of God. This result does not respect any season of life. God has promised that “While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.” Gen 8:22 There is a place where God can be reached in all seasons. It does not matter the time, the day or the night. There is a place that man can reach God; that place is called the Covenant. It is a place where man comes into agreement with God. This can be understood by the culture of fellowship we have with Him. Any ability, no matter how big, that is not tied to God by covenant, has no worth because the covenant is the place where God builds and develops the soul of man to recognize His voice. Therefore, in the covenant, location and conditions of life are too weak to frustrate the purpose and plan of God. “My covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips.” Psalm 89:34 This is not a season to give up or speak unprofitable words but a season to stand firm in anticipation of God’s promises; the season of visitation, release and fruitfulness. You are born again to live again. Praying to Live Again: Lord Jesus, come into my life. Give me a new heart with new desires. And by Your Spirit, give me the power to live a life that is pleasing to You. Thank you for forgiving me as You promised. Thank You for the gift of eternal Iife. Lord I lift your name on high for your word has lifted me above all my troubles. I thank you Lord that you consider me worthy to be an executor of your dominion over the works of your hands. Thank you Lord that I have access to you through prayers to command you concerning the works of your hands. Thank you Lord for arming me with power from on high, a sinner like me saved by Grace. Father, help me to understand the extent of your majesty. Therefore, like Samson, let your spirit descend mightily upon me, turn every rope tied by the enemy into flax, break every bonds loose from my hands in Jesus Mighty Name Amen. Prayer School (Hints) Father, Anything that can stand between me and my breakthrough today! Father destroy today! Destroy! Destroy! Destroy! Destroy! Anything that can stand between me and my healings, my breakthroughs, my blessings, anything whatsoever that can stand between me and my breakthrough today, Father destroy! Destroy! Anything! Whatever it may be! That can stand between me Lord and that great breakthrough that You have purposed for me for today, my Lord and my Saviour Destroy! Destroy! Destroy! Destroy! Anything that can stand between me and my breakthrough Almighty God Destroy today! Anything whatsoever that can stand between me and my breakthrough today, Father destroy! Destroy! In Jesus’ mighty Name Father, please forgive all my sins. Come into my heart. Be the Lord of my life. I receive eternal life into my spirit and in obedience to your word in Romans 10:9, I confess with my mouth, that JESUS is LORD. I believe in my heart that God raised you from the dead. I declare that I am saved; I am born-again; I am a child of God. I now have Christ dwelling in me and therefore, I am blessed and fruitful. I must multiply. Greater is He that is in me than the devil that is causing the bareness and delay. In you Jesus Christ, I have abundance of life. Beginning today, whatever I was subject to is now subject to me. I shall experience spiritual stability, marital stability and financial stability, in Jesus name. Father, from the throne room perspective, let all forms of vein labor and financial setbacks be arrested! Dispatch the hunters and the fisherman of God to return stolen goods! Lead us Lord, as our Shepherd, that we may not want for any good thing and let this season of financial breakthrough come forth as sign and precursor to spiritual revival. Breathe upon us anew, Oh Lord. Let it be done in the name of Jesus. Father, I stand to pray for my nation Nigeria (Pray for your nation) because when the righteous prosper, the city rejoices, and when wicked perish there are shouts of joy. May every wickedness of the wicked come to an end in this land, and may the waster be wasted. Oh Lord, that thou mayest come down and visit this nation once again and restore unto us the wasted years in Jesus name Father, may every device of the enemy be overturned and may his mischief be squashed. Let the sword of the Lord visit my enemies, and may the vengeance of Elohim settle all controversies in my favor. Scatter their gathering against my destiny in Jesus name. Marriage from godly perspective is good and opens door to enduring favour; Therefore, Father, I plead for God’s mercy over every wrong step I have taken in life, especially marriage, career, school. I ask you to cleanse me of self-guilt by the blood of Jesus and to redeem my lost joy. O God, by the redemptive power in the blood of Jesus, release uncommon marital favour upon my marriage and career this year, in Jesus’ mighty name Father, cause me to know your ability and availability through my desire to serve. I shall no longer be grounded in life because of selfishness. Make me not to lower my gauge in service and lose my position during the storm of life in the name of Jesus Father, please restore my peace, my praise life, my dream, my motivation, my promised life of favour and distinction as I get connected to the mysteries of your kingdom through the help of the Holy Ghost as a servant in Jesus name Father, I desire to become intimate with you and to draw closer to you. Teach me how to have a relationship with you in the presence of the Holy Spirit to do business with you in the atmosphere of business as my Prince of Peace. Ignite my heart with your tender and loving gaze and consume me with your passionate love. Grant me repentance, mercy and restoration as I praise you, and as I testify of your wonders. Grant me a fresh beginning, a reversal of course, that I may see your mercies in my life and family as we praise and give evidence to my world, that the yoke under which we labour be broken in Jesus name Father, others have trespassed against me, but in obedience to your command I now forgive each person who has ever hurt me or testified negative things about me, that my Praise and testimony will be activated. As an act of my will I now forgive them. I love them with your love, and I ask you to forgive them also. And since you have forgiven me, I also forgive and accept myself in the name of Jesus Christ. The curse of unforgiveness has no more power in my life in Jesus name Father, In the name of your son Jesus I now rebuke, break and loose myself, and my family, from any and all evil curses operating through charms, vexes, hexes, spells, omens, jinxes, psychic powers, mind control, bewitchments, witchcraft or sorcery, that have been put upon me through any person, parents, grandparents or from any cult or occult source. I command all such demonic powers to leave me in the name of Jesus. I am the head and not the tail. I am above and not beneath. Father, I now c
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 02:34:43 +0000

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