When you are dieting and losing body fat, you will usually come - TopicsExpress


When you are dieting and losing body fat, you will usually come across your arch nemesis... appetite cravings. The leaner you get, the more hungry you tend to get, especially if you have lost a lot of weight. Ask any bikini, fitness or bodybuilding competitor what their appetite was like at the end of their dieting phase and they will often tell you it was so severe that they spent days or weeks planning their first cheat meal after their show. Appetite management is one of the most important aspects to your dieting success. Imagine that you spend the whole day feeling starving. How likely is it that you will be able to do this for weeks on end without caving in and having huge binge meals? There is a lesser known index called the Satiety Index which categorised foods by how filling they were. For example, if you ate porridge for breakfast would you want to eat more food at lunch than if you had eaten toast for breakfast? In this video, I go over all the foods they studied and put them into an easy to read table for you so you can see which foods are most filling and which foods are most likely to make you reach for the snacks shortly afterwards. Enjoy!
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 16:40:35 +0000

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