When you are lost and need to find your way to your destination, - TopicsExpress


When you are lost and need to find your way to your destination, you simply type the address in your GPS and instantly receive directions with an estimated time that itll take to get there. The reason the time is estimated is because your GPS has no way of knowing what you may encounter on your way which might slow you down, there could a accident that jams traffic, you could get a flat, you could run out of gas etc. anything could happen to delay your journey but because you have exact directions, you know youll eventually get to the right place right?! Now, lets use that same analogy with prayer. When you go to God and pray for something, he hears you instantly and answers you right then, however.... Just because you see no change in your situation immediately doesnt mean your prayers werent already answered. You see, God will give you exactly what you ask for and all you have to do is trust and believe in him while you wait. He doesnt tell you how long it will take because that depends on you. He doesnt tell you what to avoid or look out for, that depends on you! How you handle yourself in your everyday life determines how quickly you receive your blessings! Know that EVERYTHING you encounter while you wait on God is all apart of your blessing, things happen to prepare you and strengthen you so that you are fully ready and capable of handling the big blessing youre gonna receive.. Trials and tribulations are nothing more than bumps in the road that may slow you down but with patience and Faith those same bumps will help you reach your destination.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 04:33:14 +0000

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