When you avoid these mistakes in Ramadhan: 1) Many a times, - TopicsExpress


When you avoid these mistakes in Ramadhan: 1) Many a times, Muslims delay in breaking the Fast (Iftaar] by a couple of minutes or more. Whereas it is the Sunnah of the Prophet (pbuh) to hasten in breaking the Fast immediately after the sunset. 2) Many a times, Muslims read unauthentic Dua’ during Iftaar. The most authentic Dua’ as far as Iftaar is concerned is, ‘Zahabaz zama’u wab tallatil uruqoonwa sabatal ajru InshaAllah’ which means,“My thirst is quenched, the veins are moistened and the reward is confirmed, Allah willing.” 3) Many a times, Muslims eat excessively during Iftaar and many of them even eat throughout the night. 4) Many a times, Muslims spend excessively and commit extravagance by wasting food in Iftaar. 5) Many a times, Muslims give lavish Iftaar parties and spend a lot of money, mainly trying to show off. 6) Many a times, Muslims are negligent as far as Taraweeh is concerned and because Taraweeh is not Fard, they think there is no problem if a Muslim misses Taraweeh. Though Taraweeh is not a Fard, it’s a very important Sunnah and a Muslim who misses Taraweeh, is missing a great deal of reward. 7) Many a times, the Muslims who perform Taraweeh, recite the Qur’an in the Taraweeh Salaah very fast and try to finish it in a short time, defeating the purpose of Taraweeh. Infact, you should read it with a moderate pace, so that people understand and can grasp the message of Allah (swt). 8) Many a times, Muslims spend their time during Ramadhaan in unproductive work, rather they should spend the time in Zikr of Allah, offering voluntary Salaah and reciting the Qur’an. 9) Many a times, Muslims kill time in Ramadhaan. They listen to music, unislamic songs, watch unislamic television programmes and unislamic movies which are totally Prohibited in Islam. 10) Many a times, Muslims even after the Fajr Adhaan has started yet continue eating and they think that the end of Suhoor time is only at the end of the Fajr Adhaan. In fact, the moment the Fajr Adhaan starts, the moment the beginning of Dawn starts, the Suhoor time ends. So this is a common error which nullifies or invalidates the fast. 11) Many a times, Muslims don’t do the Niyyah-intention for Fasting (which is not done verbally rather it is in the heart). Fasting without intention invalidates the fast. 12) Some Muslims stay awake the whole night, have an early Suhoor and then sleep, missing their Fajr Salaah and they continue sleeping the whole day and hence, even miss their Dhuhr and Asr Salaah, which is a Great Sin. 13) Many a times, Muslims who go for I’tikaaf in the Mosques, many of them socialize during I’tikaaf as though it’s time to meet people and friends which is totally contrary to the Sunnah. 14) Many a times, Muslims insist that the womenfolk in their family, prepare a variety of dishes for Iftaar and for Suhoor, thus making them spend the majority of their time in the kitchen rather than performing other recommended acts of worship.
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 14:54:39 +0000

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