When you do things by your own emotions, or personal desires, you - TopicsExpress


When you do things by your own emotions, or personal desires, you are usually not following God or denying yourself, of walking in the Spirit as you are commanded to do by His Word. God, the Father controlled the life of Jesus 100%. Now the Bible says for you to follow Him. God wants control of your life 100%. Will you let Him do it?If you will not let Jesus reign over you now, what makes you think you would you let him control you later in heaven? He might tell you in heaven to go and do this or that, but you might make the same excuse then as you do now. God wants you to submit to Him. He gives you guidelines on what to do in nearly every situation. He wants to control: what you say, what you do, where you go, what you eat, even how much you eat , even your money, even your thoughts, even your attitude, even what you own, and what you sell, and even who you fellowship with. There are many Scriptures in the Bible that cover these subjects, thus you can never make the excuse, Lord, I didn’t know these things. Most people will not let Jesus rule over them. They will not allow Jesus (God’s Word) to be the Lord of their life. If Jesus is not your Lord, He is not your Saviour. Have you not read you are to deny yourself and follow Jesus? Perhaps that is the problem. You want to give Jesus some of your life, but only a part. The Word is to rule over you. You should be a living, breathing example of God’s Word, and of Jesus. You are to be conformed to Jesus Himself. Is your heart full of enthusiasm for God’s work? Is it crying for souls? Jesus gave His life for men’s souls, including yours. Are you willing to give your life for people’s souls and for Him? And if you say, I am hurting, look at Joni, who can’t even dress herself or eat by herself as I understand. Have you repented of selfishness and self centeredness? Does Jesus really rule over you? Or do you rule over yourself and serve God only at your convince? What kind of an attitude do you have? Are you unwilling to give your life totally to Jesus through repentance because you do not want to deny yourself? Consider correction. We are all to be as a little child to being corrected. We are to be soft to correction from God’s Word and to whom God has put over us to watch for our soul. Col 4:12-EPAPHRAS, WHO IS ONE OF YOU, A SERVANT OF CHRIST, SALUTETH YOU, ALWAYS LABOURING FERVENTLY FOR YOU IN PRAYERS, THAT YE MAY STAND PERFECT AND COMPLETE IN ALL THE WILL OF GOD. Do you spend more time on the internet, watching television, and using hand held electronic devices, reading books and magazines, than you do studying God’s Word? You are suppose to belong to Christ if you have repented, not to yourself. You are to have the mind of Christ. 1Thes 3:7-8-THEREFORE, BRETHREN, WE WERE COMFORTED OVER YOU IN ALL OUR AFFLICTION AND DISTRESS BY YOUR FAITH: FOR NOW WE LIVE, IF YE STAND FAST IN THE LORD. 2 Th 2:15-THEREFORE, BRETHREN, STAND FAST, AND HOLD THE TRADITIONS WHICH YE HAVE BEEN TAUGHT, WHETHER BY WORD, OR OUR EPISTLE. This generation errs concerning the truth and peace-ref 2 Tim 2:18 They resist the truth-2 Tim 3:8 They lie against the truth-Ja 3:14 They speak evil against the truth-3 Pe 2:2 We should walk in truth-3 Jn 1:4 We should love the truth and peace-Zech 8:19. Gal 5:22-24-BUT THE FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT IS LOVE, JOY, PEACE, LONGSUFFERING, GENTLENESS, GOODNESS, FAITH, MEEKNESS, TEMPERANCE: AGAINST SUCH THERE IS NO LAW. AND THEY THAT ARE CHRIST’S HAVE CRUCIFIED THE FLESH WITH THE AFFECTIONS AND LUSTS . Eph 6:11-PUT ON THE WHOLE ARMOUR OF GOD, THAT YE MAY BE ABLE TO STAND AGAINST THE WILES OF THE DEVIL. It is written: WHOSOEVER WAS NOT FOUND WRITTEN IN THE BOOK OF LIFE WAS CAST INTO THE LAKE OF FIRE.
Posted on: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 21:02:16 +0000

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