When you fall in love, you feel your heart flutter, beat loudly or - TopicsExpress


When you fall in love, you feel your heart flutter, beat loudly or leap for joy, you compromise, you wait, you give, not wanting what you gave to be returned. You feel like youre on Top of the World. Even when busy, his/her thoughts pervade your senses; when it does, youll definately smile and that smile means nothing else but Damn, Im the happiest. Im glad I met him/her. Whatever you do, you make sure he/she is part of it. You want to show the person to your parents. Oh! You just cant wait to spend the rest of your life with the one who gladens your heart, the one who makes you feel complete. But when youre rejected, your heart breaks. You are call him/her heartless or cold-hearted when he/she shows no care or love. Being heart borken is the worst feeling ever!!! It feels like you literally cant breathe right, like something is physically missing in your heart, and like you have to clutch your chest every minute to ease the pain. You feel like you can never love again, humans seem to get uglier to u. Its really awful. You cant even imagine how life will be without the person, you cant wrap your mind around the fact that they are gone, it feels like you cant ever rest emotionally, you cant even feel comfortable because that person was the source of your comfort, and now you have no where to go, and you just dont know what to do. It could be dramatic, depending on how attached you were to the person, Broken heart is really painful. May God bless us all with the rightful owners of our heart, Expecially me.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 14:15:33 +0000

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