When you feel shit about who you are , or even why you are here - TopicsExpress


When you feel shit about who you are , or even why you are here and you think life is pointless...look up to the sky on a dark clear night and always remember what im about to say.Astronomers explain that all the elements heavier than hydrogen originated inside stars. The carbon in the ink on a page, and the silicon in glass and microchips, were created in the heart of a star, long ago, as that star shined by fusing hydrogen. The iron that carries the oxygen in your blood as you read this, was created when a star, in its dying phase, exploded with incredible force. The atoms that make us up......we are literally made from stars. We are their descendants. The only difference between us and stars is time. look at the night sky not with a sense of hopeless separateness, but with a feeling of kinship: There shine the origins of every element in our bodies. Because stars exist, I exist, you exist . And you exist for a reason. The processes that created those billions of unimaginably distant galaxies also created us. We are not separated from the Universe, we are the Universe experiencing itself. So think on when you think youre a nobody
Posted on: Thu, 24 Apr 2014 10:46:58 +0000

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