When you form a relationship with another person, its exactly like - TopicsExpress


When you form a relationship with another person, its exactly like an electronic circuit: its a closed loop. Ultimately, everything must balance to zero. A lot of things can happen inside that circuit; it can do a lot of work, you can do a lot of things to change the signal bouncing around inside it. But what comes out must equal what went in minus the amount of work done. You can use transformers to step up the voltage but to balance that you get less power. You can pulse the signal on and off but the net output cannot exceed what went in. In a functional sense, it is like a canal system, where water naturally wants to stay level within a closed system. The degree to which we feel wronged or slighted in a relationship - even in relationships with coworkers - is the degree to which we do not understand how things work. Any feelings of having been wronged cannot exist or persist outside the boundaries of our own confusion, misunderstanding, and delusion. We like to think of teamwork - which personal relationships are really just a small version of - as being a net, single unit that is synergistic, giving us more than the sum of its parts. That is a delusion. Its an extremely popular and deeply conditioned delusion but its a delusion nonetheless. It simply cannot work that way. Again, whether its a football team or a marriage, no more can come out than went in. Its a closed loop. If it requires a hundred people to achieve a goal, then in the end, each one of those hundred will get exactly 1% of the benefit created - no more, no less. It all has to balance. Again, speaking in a functional sense (meaning, how things actually play out in the real world), we like to think of others as making us whole or complete. It cannot be the case. It would violate the balance law, requiring us to take more than we gave. By virtue of being in the circuit, we are already whole, complete, and self-contained. Above all else, we must point the finger. If things are not working as we would like, it must be the other person because it certainly was not us. We are already putting out more than we take in. This is the delusion we carry through our involvement in the relationship. We might complain that the other person just wont try, just wont work at the relationship. And that complaint would be correct. That shortcoming must exist *somehow* to balance another area where theyre giving too much. They wont do it consciously, and they may not even be aware theyre doing it at all. But every lack exists to balance an excess somewhere else; every excess exists to balance a lack somewhere else. The other person, as they ultimately impact us, must balance us. If they take too much, its to balance our refusal to give (which means were taking too much). If they cheat, depriving us of our sense of integrity, its to balance our doing the same thing to them but simply using a different avenue to achieve the same effect. The most common example is the woman screaming about a cheating husband while her every waking minute is spent wrapped up in the drama, needs, and events of her family. Both create the exact same net effect - everything must balance. The list goes on forever. How it plays out can vary as widely as the number of atoms in the universe but one simple law will always hold: every lack we perceive our partner creating exists only to balance a lack were creating in his or her perception. Every excess we perceive only exists to balance perceptions of lack we ceate in our partner. Every hurt we experience only exists to balance the hurts we are creating. The system is fully automated and as close to perfect as we will ever experience, if balance is the measure of success. In terms of net experience - NOT how it was created - nothing comes in that was not sent out. Ever. What we want has little to do with lifes priority system. We may define a successful relationship as operating within certain parameters of fidelity, availability, honesty, etc. But those are nothing but a set of demands we made up. I want, I need, I demand. Big deal. Life does not care about those. The way life views relationships, by virtue of existing at all, they are successful; doing what they were designed to do. We will always try to fix the other person. This is a known, constant quality. There is a phenomenon in magnetism known as eddy currents. Put simply, a magnetic field created by a moving charge will form so as to resist the change that created it. Again: the pursuit of balance. Destroy the change that created us. We enter relationships expecting to find, enjoy, create, or receive something we could not have without the other person. We are the moving charge. All around us, permeating all of life, as we move, we create an eddy current that resists that movement and seeks to destroy the change that created it. We accumulate experience because we are able to evolve from it. We change from it. Experience is a moving charge. We naturally (by law) resist the change that created it. That resistance is natures movement toward balance. We in turn resist the resistance. In order to do that, we require more power. There is only one source of that power: God. Not the guy up there but rather the real power source - ourselves. Who we are. People will typically succeed very easily at things they are the least passionate about and will fail most often at the things they are most passionate about. It is the moving charge creating the eddy currents. The rich get richer because they are not typically very charged (passionate) about getting more money when they already have more than they know what to do with. So they move, but with very little charge, and so they create very weak eddy currents to resist their efforts. And, the result, when attained, has equally weak impact on them. Those who master something then move on never lose their charge. When it weakens in one area, they focus on another. They renew the charge. Life experience, as it accumulates, weakens the charge (passion) because every reaction weakens with each repeat. Mix the same vinegar with the same baking soda and after the first interaction, the results will not be spectacular. Been there, done that. As we go through life after life seeking, finding, fighting to achieve, creating resistance, overcoming that resistance by demanding more power with which to do so, eventually the game is stepped up into the stratosphere and to do the simplest thing, we must draw trillions of watts of power from the power source. Never having any direct experience of it, every goal reached makes us more and more of a power house. Eventually we must require all the power available to us on this power grid, until we have outgrown the grid. Which is the point where we leave the Earth life system and move on to the next game, whatever it is - channeling so much of God through us that we have more or less become God ourselves. Which was the entire point all along.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 06:06:38 +0000

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