When you go up against the medical cartel and its propaganda - TopicsExpress


When you go up against the medical cartel and its propaganda machine you are going up against the most powerful informational mind control system on the planet. There are people in high places aided by dupes in the media and the general public who will convince billions of people that they are right and that you are not only wrong but dangerous. Thats their system. Thats what they do. Thats what they are experts at. You can probe NSA, you can expose the CIA, you can expose the Jesuits, the Vatican, the mafia ..... whatever! You can do all of these things.... but to expose the MEDICAL cartel....in a REALLY deep, significant way with DOCUMENTS???......there is NO contest in terms of degree of difficulty and what the blow-back on you will be if you are successful. THATS why this confession by Thompson is so significant because now we have an INSIDER who comes out and says i was there, i did it, i committed fraud and my co-authors did too. This is what happened you see. THIS is why this is significant and THATS why this has to be pursued. The medical cartel itself can work covert ops to debilitate, destroy and kill huge numbers of people all over the planet with their toxic medications and vaccines and so forth BECAUSE they present themselves as having no political affiliation....we are neutral, we are scientists, we are humanitarian, we SAVE everybody. THIS is what makes it so dangerous. They can give you fantastic cover stories to explain away what they are doing to peoples lives, and their ultimate goal is to enroll the entire population of the planet into cradle to grave system of medical care, through insurance plans, national healthcare mandates and so forth so that they can diagnose and drug, poison and toxify everybody on the planet from cradle to grave with perhaps 40 or 50 diagnoses of diseases or disorders from the time that a foetus is in the womb until the time that person dies. And in the process make it extremely difficult if not impossible for the populations of countries to resist their rulers, the powers that be, purely on health reasons because these populations are so weak and debilitated and destroyed. This is to me PRIMARY LONG TERM COVERT OP ON THE PLANET. This is of ALL the cartels the MOST dangerous, the deepest, most far reaching and the one which operates with the highest degree of impunity simply because they are so good at presenting themselves as neutral and humanitarian. Only a COMPLETE LOONATIC would question their motives and an overwhelming number of people in their army (the doctors, the medical schools and the hospitals) are indoctrinated to within an inch of their lives through education to become true believers in the cause so they are NOT willing participants for the most part in the drama and the destruction and the covert op. They just go along because they ACTUALLY believe. This is an object lesson in widespread conspiracy. ~~~ Jon Rappoport ~~~
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 23:51:22 +0000

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