When you have bad memories, It makes it hard to go back to... - TopicsExpress


When you have bad memories, It makes it hard to go back to... whatever it was. Whether its a place or a person or a this or a that. In fact it takes bravery I think to confront the things that have caused us pain in the past. To face whatever it was that ached us. This phenomenon has recently been described to me as a difficulty making any decisions because of cognition of having made bad choices in the past. Well it makes sense, we are trained to avoid things that have hurt us in the past right? Yes and then also very much so trained the same way to attract those things again if were not careful. This was something that was very heavily afflicting my personality and integrity, causing me great discomfort for a few months because interestingly enough, I began sifting through thoughts and thoughts and instead of seeing the gems I had scattered here and there, i was focussed only on the amount of sand I was sifting though. Which is silly because, the gems are definitely worth the price and cost and duration of the sifting. What gives our lives meaning if we do not cherish the things that make us happy on a regular basis? We move through our day doing what? Loving or Hating or both. Then your lost, because the part of you that created all the good things in your life cant seem to forgive the part of you that created all the bad things as well....or destroyed them all. But do some good things have to be destroyed so other good things can be created? IDK. Perhaps its All in the exchange. Valuable people in my life point out to me daily the importance of unattachment. Staying emotionally disengaged from a situation, embracing it in your life but not holding the idea of its permanency or any expectation of it really. Living fully in the now, embracing every moment... and so on... until something triggers you to offset your imagination of the scales, Well here we go into another dilemma... I often feel like Im traveling through time. Every day gliding through moments that have already happened a thousand times and some never before. I often feel like im walking across other peoples mistakes, stepping into a house full of wizards and deciding which method or idea im going to take home with me on a given basis. Always something to be learning, Am i correct? Whether its anyone in my life who Ive felt has hurt me, I tend to look at it with an open heart and see how it was my spirituality played into it too. Most often than not I think we are well aware of our shortcomings and our mistakes. We just need to hold each other accountable also. Which can be hard, no doubt. Through something called EFT tapping you can help heal yourself through difficult decisions or choices so instead of reacting to anger or hurt or violence or emotional insecurity (immaturity) you are trained to Self-Heal and direct yourself to the new highest level of your intelligence. Sounds cool huh? Well, it is. Instead of taking garbage medication to cope with your stress or unhappiness, why not confront your life and ask what it is that is making you unhappy? WORK I know a lot of people who self-medicate too well instead of working more diligently on the things that bother them at present. I think its important when youre carrying through with anything that you take life by the hands and say I love you. Can you heal me? Consciousness is so important... Its SO easy to fall out!! HOW?! It doesnt matter. It doesnt matter what youve done to me. It doesnt matter how youve treated me i forgive you. Honestly i think all of this sounds a bit extreme on the outside but on the inside is what matters to me. Coming from a family with a positive side of joy, contentment and happiness, there was also a darker side of constant dispute and turmoil between personalities. I grew up in a judgmental household where there were strict impositions of how you should and shouldnt behave. Everything was good as long as you followed certain standards (conditions...) I suppose I just couldnt be contained. Im sure everyone can relate to what im talking about here in some form or another. When you grow up in an environment where there is constant chaos or any chaos, constant battles between people you love for energy, it becomes ingrained in your archetype or personality and the next thing you know, youre creating the same old drama everywhere you go. Just working here at the Yoga studio today teaches me so much about growing and loving and learning and knowing the people around me. Theres all kinds of courses here for people suffering from PTSD or anything and people think this stuff is wonky its not! It works. MIND BODY SPIRIT CONNECTION IS SO IMPORTANT. The Celestine Prophecy and a book by Harville Hendrix called Keeping the Love you Find are two books that really help explain what is going on in the energy dynamic of love and warfare, (one angle completely psychological and the other, much more scientific and involved) and it just feels important right now for me to be sharing this. Perhaps because I am integrating and disposing of old and new systems, making sure my hard-drive is ready to function at a better rate tomorrow and keep me moving in the direction of my dreams... Perhaps because it is late at night and the Moon is cycling as she always is, I am just so grateful to exist in this dimension with you, and so many other loving spirits and souls and I just pray I take better care of my energy so that I may help take better care of you and the energies of those around me. Thank you all for your support and Kindness. Happy First of September Everybody :)
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 08:07:50 +0000

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