When you hear the word “Anti-Christ”, what comes to mind? I - TopicsExpress


When you hear the word “Anti-Christ”, what comes to mind? I suspect most begin thinking about the end of days from Revelations, but what if there is more to it than that? What if antichrist is not limited to a person at the end of the days? What if antichrist were a concept meaning that simply meant: against Christ? I recently completed a doctrinal study on Satan the BBN Institute. As usual, it was quite good because it got me thinking. Satan was among the most beautiful of creatures. To say Jesus was uncomely would be over stating, but He was considered ruddy, and not really someone who would cause us to look twice at their appearance. This is only one example of the opposites. There are so many examples to choose from, so perhaps we will spend this week fleshing out some of the examples of antichrist within our society. I think the thing to focus on is how Satan get’s us focused on external matters while God keeps us focused on the heart of the matters. Said differently, God wants to give us a true gift while Satan wants us focused on the wrapping paper. Let’s start with something fun: evolution! That’s always a fun place to start. The last time I looked at evolution versus creationism T.J. Riley had some really good feedback. I’ve also gotten great feedback from others on the matter. Hopefully this week’s discussion will generate even more. Let’s begin. Evolution can arguably be considered a belief much like a religion. To declare it unsubstantiated by facts and observable evidence is oft considered heresy by its believers and defended with a rigorous defense. How is that different from a religion? Creation argues it occurred in six days. Evolution has six stages Creation argues that all was made by God from nothing. Evolution argues that God does not exist. Creation argues you can go outside and see the evidence of creation all around you. Evolution argues that the evidence cannot be observed because it takes place over too long a time period. Creation says that each animal reproduced after its kind. Evolution argues that creatures transitioned from one kind to another. I think the “its own kind” argument is the most compelling of both evolution and creation. Creation requires observation of tangible results. Evolution requires faith in the observers. Creation enabled adaptation. Evolution often confuses adaptation as proof support for evolution. How about this. Take about 40 minutes to watch this video. I understand it is a little long but watch it with someone else. Tell me what you think. Is evolution a form of antichrist? youtube/watch?v=U0u3-2CGOMQ
Posted on: Mon, 19 Aug 2013 08:03:06 +0000

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