When you invest in something that you agree so hard with to the - TopicsExpress


When you invest in something that you agree so hard with to the point of calling that something the truth, then how is that not ignorance or manipulation? Because we can interpret history through texts, but then who interprets it? How do we know they did it right? So in other words, people talk of things like The Battle of Thermapalye, or the religious texts, as if they know what happened and exactly how it happened. But do they really know? If so, how do they know? Because they way they interpret the text is already influenced by many things. Their up-bringing, their religion, and political beliefs to name a few. And then the way you personally interpret it is different than what you hear from the original interpreter. History is just a big game of Telephone. If you have never played that game, play it. See what happens to a message passed along for the span of two minutes. I might like thoughts on this post from my favorite people to talk to on the subject matter(s) at hand: Ross Henderson, Nicholas Regalski, Alex Harris, Beth Anderson, Mike Faff, Deanna Micha.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 20:13:19 +0000

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