When you judge someone based solely on their appearance you are - TopicsExpress


When you judge someone based solely on their appearance you are doing more damage to yourself than you are to them. This is Chris Cerulli, the lead singer of Motionless In White, he is one of the most genuine, considerate, & caring people you could ever meet. Hes one of those people you meet for the first time and you feel like youve known them your whole life. Im sure youve already assumed their isnt a religious bone under his brightly tattooed skin, you would be correct. I dont know if he had a bad experience in a church, or if hes just never given God a second thought... I do know he doesnt worship Satan... and I also know it would be an amazing opportunity to sit down and witness to him. He is a very accepting and open minded individual. Witnessing to someone like this is a difficult challenge, but could you imagine being the one who helped lead him to Jesus? Could you imagine leading him in the sinners prayer? I cant imagine NOT wanting to help! It makes me sick to think of all the people that look similar to Chris that are turned away, looked down on, passed by, thought of as a hopeless case just because of the way they look, the music they sing, the things they do, the way they act. A lost person without Christ will not act like a saved person with Christ. Pretty simple to understand. So, being afraid of someone that looks like this is, in my opinion, very ignorant. If you stay secluded in your little Christian bubble and only try to witness to people that are clean cut and look like you, you are missing out on a harvest of souls that otherwise may never be witnessed to. I dont understand how starving, dying, diseased people in small tribes in other countries get so much attention from missionaries, but people that look like Chris Cerulli get none? He is starving Spiritually, he is dying Eternally, and he is diseased without Christ! Where is the difference? Is it because he lives in America and you think he has every opportunity to come to Christ? Maybe he does. Or maybe he walked into a church, your church, and the first person that looked at him shriveled up their nose and turned away, so he walked back out into the world because he felt rejected by the church people the, body of Christ. When given the opportunity to be a witness for Christ, TAKE IT! No matter what the person looks like, no matter how far from the cross YOU think they are, they are NEVER too far for Christ to reach them. You may be the vessel of light God has chosen to brighten the pathway of darkness that helps a lost soul find their way home. Sure He can do it alone, He doesnt need our help, but in Mark 16:15 - He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. -- If we keep saying Oh, someone else will witness to them. Id never be able to get through to someone like that. THAT is the mentality of a weak minded Christian. What if we all said that? What if we all left it up to someone else, and that someone else left it up to someone else? Im not bashing anyone, this isnt aimed at anyone in particular, Im talking to myself as well. I just cant stomach the way some Christians behave towards others. It gives us all a bad rep. I realize its going to take a lot more than what I say and do to get people to understand that we arent all judgmental hell condemning Christians. But I also realize I cant just sit back and not say anything... nothing will ever change if we dont stand up and change it ourselves. Im not afraid of going to the places people like this hang out at, I go to the shows they perform at, I even go to see them, Not hiding it. Im not saying you have to relate to them to witness to them, Im just saying dont let fear keep you from BEING a witness. Your Spirit will check you when you are in over your head, trust that. If you are secure in your faith, if you know without a doubt that Jesus is right beside you 24/7, then I personally believe that you can go anywhere in this world and be a witness to anyone. You may reach them, you might not. But youll never know until you try. Im not saying you HAVE to go seek people out that look like this, or put yourself in worldly situations & places that make you feel as if you are doing more bad than good. Because its very easy for your flesh to interfere with your faith. I said all that to say this, when, if, you ever see someone that looks like Chris, smile at them... Sometimes thats all it takes. Mother Teresa said, “Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing. #thiswasonmyheart
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 22:46:35 +0000

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