When you lack the ability and funding to conduct laboratory - TopicsExpress


When you lack the ability and funding to conduct laboratory experimentation of ideals, sometimes all you need is to steer those who do to look in the right direction; the truth is the truth, it doesnt have to be defended or explained, when pointed in the right direction, the truth will be discovered. Much like using diamonds to focus laser beams, completely unheard of prior to 2007; I speak with a few astrophysicists on twitter to ask if the concept is even a viable idea, by 2008 the worlds first diamond focused laser is built. I had read an article on using crystals in lasers, and thought that perhaps a diamond would achieve better results; after all, being the hardest substance and so many other interesting aspects of diamonds that I figured it was worth consideration, especially considering how man made diamonds had decreased the cost of diamonds. I also had a conversation with a physicist at CERN about the concept of particles traveling faster than the speed of light, and discussed electromagnetic propulsion in theory. He agreed that the concept was solid in theory, but that without proving that dark matter and dark energy existed; that it would remain theoretical, I also verified with a female physicist in Australia, this was all around 2006-2007 before the experiment which confirmed dark matter and dark energy existed; peer reviewed and confirmed in 2012. Then to hear Stephen Hawking discussing your ideas of time travel, moving faster than the speed of light, even faster than time, confirming everything you had been theorizing for a decade or so; discussing your own formula of negative energy without even knowing he is discussing your formula, the equation which had been in your possession since 2006, well, its difficult to be humble about holding such a discovery in your possession. Even my children have seen my formula and somewhat understand its concepts, they have even seen my writings on the subject, my notes, as well as the design of the fusion and reaction chambers; the schematics of the electromagnetic array, including the math and formulas which make it all possible. It is a solid theory which operates within the laws of physics, its just been outside the grasp of human understanding, because in order to understand nothing you must first understand negative energy; which we know to exist because energy exists, and since energy is the driving force of motion, and for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, then negative energy would be the equal and opposite reaction to the action of energy. I do not find these findings in physics, or all of this research by accident, I intentionally look it up, I go to physics websites and research their findings, I present feedback, I engage in discussion; you will find that the field of physics is pretty open minded about sharing ideas and concepts, after all, physics is why the world wide web exists in the first place; thank you CERN. to share their findings and increase their knowledge base at a more exponential rate. In other words, it is not a very selfish field of study; my formula is now copyrighted and I do plan on sharing it, after all, its been a long time already for me to contemplate if humanity is ready for this knowledge, Einstein did go to a lot of trouble to hide the formula in his work but not provide the formula itself, I believe he knew it and also saw this formula; but decided against humanity discovering its secrets because of the implications it could have for designing a doomsday weapon if applied in a destructive manner. However, I also believe that it would take some time before anyone could even solve the equation, much less understand what it means or how it could be utilized to achieve warp speed without my input on the project; so it may render to be safe for release to the public, or at least to the physicists which would benefit most from its discovery. I dont seek out this information and research so that I may profit from it, nor do I expect to be the one to actually apply the information; I have no means to an end other than for the betterment and increased understanding of the human race, the ability to travel the stars, to travel time. I dont seek out this information to make myself appear to be of above average intelligence, I seek out the information because I am above average intelligence and can figure solve difficult problems; I do it because one person can make all of the difference, and quite frankly, I did not seek out this formula. The formula was more of an accidental discovery than anything, a thought exercise, an exercise of free thought, of expanding consciousness, an opening of the mind; when it just came to me, it hit me right in my face. I just couldnt believe that it could be so simple, right there the entire time; such a simple and true statement of math and understanding, I couldnt believe that negative energy could be so easy to explain. And yet, once you understand the formula, you see its evidence all around you, much like the wind; like a magnet with a negative charge and a positive charge, like yen and yang, even emotional energy of positive emotion and negative emotion. Once you know that negative energy exists, that nothing exists, and that nothing also contains energy; then you understand why it is something, and why something contains energy, because even nothing contains energy, its just different from what we expect to see from energy because it is the exact equal and opposite force of energy. Mathematics are universal, numbers, counting; these are universal laws, I could teach you how to speak my language by starting with numbers. If I were to tap out a numerical counting sequence, 1,2,3,4, etc. then eventually you would catch on, I suspect immediately, that I was counting; if I speak my pronunciation of the numbers, then you may return in kind. Now we have just taught each other how to pronounce our numbers, this gives us a common ground on which to build our linguistic catalog; so if there is no misunderstanding, we will eventually be able to effectively communicate with one another. The numbers dont lie, the same applies to the laws of physics; what is universal to one species is universal to all species within the universe as far as mathematics and physics is concerned, the only thing changes is the perspective in which the laws are observed by the individual, regardless of species. What makes mankind unique to all other species on our planet is our ability to record data for the preservation of future generations, although the imprint of every experience is carried in residual energy of time, which is relative to perception, as well as encoded in our DNA structure. When we enter into theta state of consciousness, we are able to tap into this consciousness of experience; it is within this state of experience which we can recall abilities like playing the piano without any formal training, and just playing, but playing masterpieces by those before. That is how someone like me could not spend any time studying, barely paying attention in class, and still ace the test; theta is that relaxed state just before sleep, sometimes it keeps you awake, like when you are trying to diagnose a difficult car at the shop, and the answer comes to you in your sleep. I am a self educated man, I learn what I do because I find it interesting and I keep an open mind; I find it easier to be objective when you are able to look at all side without judgement, then find the truth in the middle. I try to state things in simpler forms of communication so that others can obtain understanding, it is more stimulating conversation when someone gains comprehension, its not much fun explaining something to someone who refuses to understand it; especially when they have already closed their mind to the subject, reject/deny any evidence put before them, and switch topics, in the south we refer to such stubborn thinking as stubborn as a mule, although jackass is also interchangeable terminology. which is shortened in the biblical text as ass. This Earth isnt going to be here forever, if your only concern is the survival of yourself or only the survival of your family, then you should be content to the confines of this planet, if your only concern is the survival of the planet, then you wont be pleased to know that within the existence of Earth, it will eventually be consumed by our sun as it becomes a Red Giant; while that may not be for another 5-10 billion years, and the possibility that human beings will be extinct by then, there is also a possibility that we wont. And if we do not explore outside of this solar system, then it is almost certain that the human race will become extinct; whether we destroy the Earth or not, Mars is an indication of what could be the future of Earth is we consume all of our resources. And the human species are consumers, even down to our basic needs, we need to consume in order to stay alive and healthy in this form of existence; so the whole of humanity depends upon being able to colonize and sustain life upon other planets, if nothing else, regenerating Mars and replenishing the water on the surface, recycling life to an old rusted planet. But long before Andromeda and the Milky Way galaxies merge, the Earth and Mars will have been consumed by the Sun for billions of years; and if Star Trek taught us anything, you never know who or what you might run into while seeking out new life and no civilizations, while going where no human has gone before.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 09:22:14 +0000

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