When you learn to accept (and maybe even really dig) your bod, you - TopicsExpress


When you learn to accept (and maybe even really dig) your bod, you may .... - Feel lighter. Less pre-occupied. More focused. - Begin to connect and communicate with your true bod (the one you have, not the one you fantasize about). Its feedback is interpreted objectively and can be addressed objectively (weight gain or loss is just that and nothing more. Flaws are just what they are and not sources of shame. - You may start using quotes when referring to flaws (because flaws arent real things) - Feel more entitled to be, do, speak, party, stand up and exist. The world you live in makes room for you and invites you to dance. - Suddenly have LOTS more energy for doing fun things AND for finding fun things to do! Basically, everything gets more fun and we like fun, right? Totes. - Have noticeably different tastes in magazines, TV shows, blogs, personalities and more. It gets hard/boring to watch or read messages that youre not good enough, angering even. Or maybe the same tastes, but a whole new perspective. (you might still get a guilty pleasure high from The Biggest Loser, Cosmo and The Kardashians, but you know whats up). - Begin to notice just how much money, time and energy goes into trying to make you feel insecure again and keep you there. The thousands of messages you receive about your worth and your body are noticed BUT have less power. (When you start to see how many there are, its easier to forgive yourself for buying in. Were raised and taught how to hate ourselves in subtle but pervasive ways. Loving yourself in spite of it is extraordinary, remarkable, revolutionary and you know it). - Youre less worried about how you look while youre doing things and more concerned with what youre actually doing. Living in the present rocks. :) - You save hours getting ready to leave the house. Those hours are spent being awesome instead. - You get a bit balls-y and take more risks. The words Im not ________ enough to ________ pop in less often or get dismissed because you realize theyre bullshizz. You may ask that dude or lady out. You might demand a raise. You might dump that person who doesnt see how great you are. You might buy a bikini. You might let your inner freak out. You might wear more mumus or realize pants are for chumps. You might actually feel deserving of all the GOOD things that happen to you. You might go wild! You might feel like you have a say in your own life and happiness. Its wicked. - You start to see other peoples problems with your body as just that: THEIR problem. - You might realize that the only one who profits from your insecurity are the companies keeping you insecure. - Avoid awards show social media and online comments like the plague. - Notice its easier to celebrate all kinds of beauty. Buh-bye rules! Seriously, the world becomes a lovelier place. BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE EVERYWHERE. :) - Realize how ridiculous it is to ask who wore it better? or poll:hot or not? - Pay more attention to how you feel instead of wondering how you stack up. - Start trusting yourself more and relying on yourself for validation instead of outer sources. - See other women as allies instead of competition. - Have a hard time hanging with friends who arent there yet the same way you used to. You might also find new, awesome friends who share your views. - Begin to treat your body like a friend instead of an enemy. - Notice a boost in overall health. - Dance around in your undies more often - See no need for the scale at all. - Find a renewed/revamped interest in fitness, food and health that stems from curiosity, a desire to feel good and a passion for putting yourself first. No more punishment, deprivation or shame. - Challenge old limiting beliefs and replace them with new ones that feel GOOD. - Find it hard to imagine how you lived any other way for as long as you did. - Inadvertently inspire others by your bad ass, confident, bullshit free attitude and Im awesome and so are you swagga. Body hate and shame dont set in over night and dont disappear overnight either. Its hard work to change old beliefs about bodies and your worth: its effort, time and loads of mini unpredictable tipping points. But the work you put in to free yourself of the power the media, society and old beliefs have over you and the investments you make to achieve peace are WELL worth the payoff in the end. And they dont require weight loss, flaw minimizing or extreme makeovers: just awareness, commitment and opening yourself up to the possibility that maybe- just maybe- you deserve more out of your life than spending another moment thinking youre less than in a body thats more than awesome. Its never too late to break the chains and claim your piece of the freedom pie! Theres more than enough and its delicious. :) Anything else to add? What do people on body peace missions have to look forward to? (Comment, share, inspire below, you sassy, beautiful people! ).
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 23:35:50 +0000

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