When you leave your life in the hands of sociopaths who want to - TopicsExpress


When you leave your life in the hands of sociopaths who want to cull the human population, you leave yourself and your children susceptible to THIS. Can we REALLY trust humans who think humanity is the cause of the earth dying, and have avowed to cull the population growth? Why do people NOT see this yet? Planned Parenthood has NOTHING to do with planning parenthood and everything to do with murdering potential human beings to cull the population. Bill Gates, a MASSIVE contributor of vaccine creation and research has gone on RECORD stating that vaccines will be used to control population!!...Why do we trust them now, and why do we place our most vulnerable in their hands? WE as Parents MUST protect whats ours, otherwise, we will lose our most precious resource. Our Children!! Trust GOD, and NO MAN!! God help us all.
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 04:15:02 +0000

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