When you let an infertile man and woman marry, a child’s right - TopicsExpress


When you let an infertile man and woman marry, a child’s right to a mother and a father does not go out the window. This is an actual statement from a commentator ( albeit one who thinks hes the 2nd Coming) who is opposed to Marriage Equality. For me it perfectly highlights the real issue at the heart of the debate- control. When we let- When who lets? These people assume some divine authority to control the lives of others. To say who it is ok to love, to sleep with or what ownership a female can or cannot have over her own body. And they expect us to be respectful or tolerant of their opinions despite the hurt, discomfort & actual danger they can cause to real people we care about. Well, I wont be. Ill respect your right to hold an opinion but if the expression of that right means you desire to place boundaries on who others can love/ marry then I will still absolutely consider you an insecure arsehole for having it. Regardless of whether there is a General Election or not next year- the most important issue that you will be asked to vote on is the Marriage Equality referendum. Unlike any other, this referendum isnt about politics but love. Its rare we get to cast a vote that will instantly improve the lives of people we care for & love. This referendum will not be one easily- the forces of Insecurity & Control are already organising and getting ready to campaign on fear & confusion. We all have a part to play in insuring this Marriage Equality Referendum passes. I do not wish to wake up in an Ireland that has rejected a persons Right to marry whomever He/She wishes to love. For my part, Ill be out knocking at doors from mid-January encouraging people to vote Yes Equality! However you can, Id encourage you to play your part also. Yes Equality! irishcatholic.ie/article/respect-or-contempt
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 12:31:39 +0000

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