When you look at the Beatitudes in Matthew 5:3-12 in Jesus’ - TopicsExpress


When you look at the Beatitudes in Matthew 5:3-12 in Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, you see all the conditions for true happiness there. “Blessed” is the Greek word Makarios, or “Happy”. It parallels those Psalms that say, “Blessed is the man” (Psalm 1:1), or literally, “Oh the happinesses of the man…”. The Conditions for a Happy Heart that Jesus promotes are the exact opposite of what the world says and sells. This Sunday at the Super Bowl, you’ll be able to see the commercials focusing on pride, arrogance, covetousness, lust, envy, slothfulness and greed. The world says you need to acquire things, and it focuses on the above attitudes. But in the Beatitudes, Jesus says that the very opposite is true. Real happiness comes when you are part of the Kingdom of heaven. If you note the structure of these Beautitudes, both v.3 and v.10 end with, “for theirs is the kingdom of heaven”. Then 11 & 12 amplify v.10. Everything between v.3 and 10 is describing this same group of people, the truly redeemed, the ones born again into the kingdom spiritually now. They’re “citizens of heaven”, as Paul later says, right now. Physically they enter into that kingdom when Jesus comes back and the resurrection takes place. They then as fellow-heirs with Messiah, they will rule and administrate His kingdom on earth. But SPIRITUALLY, you enter that kingdom the moment you trust Jesus for your redemption, and receive the forgiveness of of your sins through His shed blood on the cross. At that moment, you are “delivered out from under the powers of darkness, and transferred into the Kingdom of the Son of His love”. And at that moment, you are indwelt by the Holy Spirit of God, born again spiritually, and marked out by His presence as God’s property forever (see Colossians 1:12-14; Ephesians 1:3-14). You’re a citizen of the Kingdom, with all rights, joys, privileges and happinesses that belong to it! We’ll begin studying these Conditions for a Happy Heart tomorrow and the days ahead.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 12:56:54 +0000

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