When you press the status button it says what is on your mind - TopicsExpress


When you press the status button it says what is on your mind well, depression is on my mind, every morning when I wake up, every minute of the day, every corner I turn , depression is stood there right in front of me like the wall of bloody china .... This wall has been there since round about 1999. I cant really pin point a year as I have always been an unhappy child being the youngest for a while and being picked on . I had my beautiful daughter Louise Sutcliffe in December 1985..Which I can honestly say were the happiest time of my life, but that wall was still there trying to stop me, I have fought and fought it for years not really understanding what it was.... Until one day the doctor said that terrible word you have depression since 1999 on and off I have been taking the tablets which by the way, the doctor can not prescribe my medication as It is too high, my psychiatrist has to prescribe them....I have been off of work now for just over a year and I still ask myself every day WHY AM I HEAR......????? I do not want to harm myself in any way at all, I have never felt like that a I hope I never will, but it is such a battle to do the everyday things like get out of bed even, when you see me out I will be there with the biggest smile on my face pretending that everything is hunky dory when really Im looking for all the negative things going on around me and wondering is it my fault , did I do that.and when Im really hurting inside and cant do a damn thing about it.... Anyway , on a happier note, I hope this has helped a few people and friends out there understand a little bit more about depression than they did before and not to judge people by who they seam to be, take a little time out and listen to your friends and family as this goes a long long way......if you have made it this far, well done.... Ps, and a big bear hug is the best medicine of all......xxx
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 08:30:10 +0000

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