When you reach a point of realizing you must eliminate someone - TopicsExpress


When you reach a point of realizing you must eliminate someone from your life permanently and completely it is not always easy. Even if you love and care for them in a manner that will always remain. When you understand how damaging they are to your life, refuse to cooperate with the police and prosecute them for behavior that would have them arrested and placed in jail (on a list of significant charges), and have to repeatedly ask them to no longer contact you it can be very difficult. When the contact continues even after having to have called the police to let them know you are serious and that you do not want to hear from them any longer it is tough. However, when it continues beyond this and you get messages that state they cannot live without you and want to talk it just becomes annoying and is not attractive. I still care about this person but feel I have certainly reached an understanding of how she explained her previous marriage. You can love someone but no longer be in love with someone. When a person is willing to continue abusing you mentally, emotionally, and physically to the point of others calling the police when they see it - it is a serious sign and wake up call they are not healthy to have in your life at any level. Walking away from someone you care about isnt easy. However, when they care so little as to treat you in a way that is damaging and non respectful - it has to be done. I just wish the emails and texting would stop without the need to exercise another call to the police. I do not want her to be arrested. I just want her to leave me alone as I have made a clear and conscious decision to eliminate the unhealthy interaction that has gone on for far too long. If one of my children were in a relationship like the one I experienced - I would implore them to remove themselves. I owe it to my health, sanity, and happiness to avoid such destructive people. If the contact continues - I feel like I will have no further option. Simply ignoring and not responding to the messages is not stopping it. Although they are not as negative and abusive as they had been - they are unwelcomed.
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 07:47:07 +0000

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