When you reach the middle you cant stay there you wouldnt be able - TopicsExpress


When you reach the middle you cant stay there you wouldnt be able to function. In psychology of vision, it was aligning self to soul/higher self, to spirit. Spirit is pure consciousness natural peace becoming a grater good a benefit, worthiness. spiit is pure in iots pure state these higher truths were delivered to the higher self/soul known as the Buddha or Christ self intermediary then delivered to the individual self. so then a of being is pure being becoming a higher self or selves becoming lower selves and physical body. We exist in layers and fall down into material existence, in its pure state the higher truths were not corrupted ans they entered the soul or higher self. i read a quote somewhere where Buddha said he did not believe in the existence of an individual soul. Ahh yes but he did not say he did not believe in collective souls. The universe is a collective becoming pure energy, but the our energy cannot be understood unless it becomes a collective then the collective a higher self/soul then this becomes a lower self and ego. Know not much of religion, but quotes and the bits i did read i understood/. we all have this innate knowing . In our energy pure state before that it cant be be defined it is just peace and its delivered to compassion and other things. You see pure spirit was not religious and it never wanted any of us too be and all religions become corrupted and and watered down. i was reading an introduction to theravada Buddhism and they sat et me sutam or is it et me sudam? as it was heard. well all our flapping ears heard it wrong. As ego interferes. Innate knowing cannot be corrupted. When you reach the center it turns back outwards. You cant stay there or you would die in my understanding and the body would die. and this understanding is not based on study. I only research what i need to understand to back up understanding of spirit, or pure being. You cant stay there as you cant hold on to the body. Its rather the center is reached and you turn it back outwards and the body grounds and re aligns, you come down into lower dimensions without forgetting what you have learned and you can teach it to others but in a non religious way as in the beginning that is how it was meant to be. All religions and again pointing this time to the Buddhist map were relative truth, all religions were relative truth, and even buddha said not to follow what he taught as i read in a quote. He wanted everyone to use those as guides to realize an absolute truth. On the Buddhist map below, and before i taught the meaning of ying and yang and om. Understanding all those symbols means you need know nothing of religion. Religion is a way to find god head, I dont remember much of the Yogic practices but understand god head, i read a litle bhagavad gita but i never finished it and i read quotes in the bible and it all made sense. i knew a quote where it says becoming one with the object of concentration, You are the object of concentration so therefore you already know everything about it already. There is not observer or observed there the same thing, You say your experience is separate from you, it is not so, its separate so you can see it and remains so. The observed becomes the experience. You become the thought,you become your feelings. You become the polarities. because you are everything. But we all experience this separation. You see spirit was delivered to soul/higher self delivered to lower self. and ego. there a thousands of spiritual bodies and lower bodies and planes of existence or you call them layers of information in your science i guess. The higher truths were delivered to the Christ in you, to the Buddha in you, all analogies of the higher self. In the graph the higher truths would of been delivered to the buddha who is you, and to the community and sangha and i dont know what sangha means. But point being. The teaching comes through the gateways. Buddha is the higher self in you, and the teachings are representations of the higher self, and then delivered by the community. The higher truths were delivered to dharmma, then to the bible, then to all religions which became corrupted. This innate knowing i feel was a seed in the heart that can never be corrupted but the mind corrupts. You cannot stay in high states of consciousness. you come down but you remain with what you have learnt and you ground better and you can take it into the world and teach it in your own way. Not through religion but in your own experience of that. But you can refer to religion concepts or certain concepts if desired. But this is how i understand it my own experience to myself. I have experienced all the variations of feelings and suffering to understand compassion for others on great level. You go back to everyday life though with what you know and you remain open but not as much before. But you understand self in every way possible through your own experience of that, and it does not act or look a certain way cause that is rubbish really. Your consciousness fundamentally changes not extremely but in a way that benefits your life and everyone else. You explain every aspect of self from a non religious view point as that was how it was meant to be taught. Providing all these gifts so you can all understand is great. When reading quotes i can see which ones have been corrupted and which ones have been not. The lessons i would like teach will allow people to understand consciousness in there own way and so they choose what they want to be and many exercises and all things. This is how psychology of vision trainers taught people all about feelings, emotions, and the mind. There are only i thing 84-100 trainers in the world who do this work i think? Not sure now. But i had to experience it myself due to financial lack, which is great exploration and going for it as it draws you up to a top point. I suspect this what they meant and i read briefly. Your like a ocean, you start as a stream, into a river and into the ocean, the fall and rise, then the ocean then becomes the stream and river again. You come back to the river you have too, but you never lose the connection to the ocean. After experiencing intense states of consciousness then it neutralizes so it does not take over your life. This is the great exploration of the self. Insights get out of hand for a while as they became deeper and deeper then they slow and become regulated and less. Your open but not so full blown in theory. you cant stop the upward flow to the ocean you reach the rise then fall back down to the river but keep the deeper insights, but everything becomes less and controllable. Its essentially been since 2011 an intense journey. It takes its toll as your drawn upward and you cant stop it, it has to reach its peach then you fall but keeping that fundamental change of awareness in my understanding. But it means you can understand a lot more things when you read them which is exciting and life makes sense. look around me now and laugh and thought i have nothing i need to sort it, but i wont see it in a bad way. Its laughable in so many, joint achy, back ache, rib ache, head ache ways. The outside will be put back in place soon.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 10:55:45 +0000

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