When you receive a letter from anyone asking for a payment of - TopicsExpress


When you receive a letter from anyone asking for a payment of sort, you must understand that it is just that; A LETTER. It is a piece of paper with words written in black ink. Sometimes, some of the words are in red ink.... WHAT TO DO: Stick the letter you have received on a door...any door....and ask it a question.....any question....who are?...would you like a cup of tea?...you can even call it names if you like.... It doesnt matter what you ask it. NOW TELL ME....DID IT ANSWER? No... because its dead.....thats exactly what it is ...dead...It cant talk, walk, see, speak, feel, hear, taste, breathe, eat or sleep. When people communicate they write on dead pieces of paper....Then they must give it life, before it can be actioned.....this is why people MUST sign letters in wet ink signatures.....to give it life. Without a wet ink signature it has no life.....Now remember it is dead. (read about Papal Bulls) So...why do you feel the need to respond to a DEAD piece of paper.....Are you crazy? This is the trick they use within their Maritime laws to make you believe it has life. Ah...another bit of magic.......whoosh, believe....They even print fictitious signatures on these letters to make you believe these dead pieces of paper have been given life.... They even have the name of the dead company on too.....Its magic, they are trying to put you under a spell.....the spell of FEAR.....Under their Maritime Laws no-one can respond to dead pieces of paper until it is given life. However, because you are now under their spell (fear), you now believe you should respond by letters or phone calls. By responding, not only are you acknowledging receipt of their dead piece of satanic magical paper you are also giving it life...YOUR life.....YOUR energy, which they can then act upon..... If you refuse to give it your energy....it remains dead....forever....YOUR energy is precious..to YOU...why give it to them for free? WORDS ARE SPELLS All words whether spoken or written are spells (spelling). These letters are drafted and written very carefully to install into your mind one emotion.....FEAR......And...they are very successful, after all they have been doing this for many years. They employ people who are highly trained in Eurogenics (the science of improving a population by controlled breeding to increase the occurrence of desirable heritable characteristics). Have you ever read a letter and your stomach churns....well thats fear...This piece of paper is covered in spells.......Its witchcraft....Words in red ink are cursed....they are satanic....look at the words...carefully, one by one. Take a pen and circle all the negative words you can identify on the letter and see just how many there are....... They are all negative...negative. Negative words send out low frequencies......Because you now believe these words, you absorb the low frequencies given off by the words you are reading and become overwhelmed with the emotion of fear......Its mind control...... Now this is the tricky part. Negative emotions are like a red mist that clouds in your mind. It prevents you from thinking clearly and positively. Your thought patterns become distorted and this is when you will become angry, frightened and weak. You will then try to seek out to find a solution...many will make the wrong decision....simply because they do not know what to do or do not understand what this silly game is all about..which is to extract as much money from you as they possibly can in any way, shape of form....thats the game...THEIR game....now learn to understand this game.....because thats all it is...a game...Many will be unable to loose the fear of them. Because of what they believe they can do....which is actually nothing in reality...LOOSE THE FEAR.....TODAY....NOW. There is only ONE time...that is NOW......yesterday are memories and tomorrow are just thoughts..... FREQUENCIES - HIGH & LOW Everything is frequencies.....sound, music, light..water. There are two types high and low. Low frequencies are really bad for you, your health and your mind, they cause depression, anger, moods, bad emotions, break up of relationships etc. They also cloud your mind...ahh...the red mist again....Resentment causes you to be angry..... Everything they design, cause, do is deliberately manipulated to send out low frequencies...TV programmes, newspapers...WiFi, mobile phones....Heres an exercise: take a newspaper and circle all the negative stories, see how many you find.......look at the soaps, all negative story lines. So depressing.....its designed to do just that....bring you down and keep you down...The systems, money, its all negative. Every time you have a negative thought, word or action, it will come back to you....Some call it Karma.....but the same goes for positive thoughts, words and actions. When you live in a negative state (as many do) you are easily controlled by THEM......simply because low frequencies are sent out and absorbed in through your mind....thats how they control you..through your mind....they cast spells upon you through words an pictures.....YOU, and everyone lives in a red prison...but the good news is that it is ONLY in your mind..... On the other hand high frequencies are the opposite. These are positive emotions, love, happiness, laughter, pleasure, seeing a beautiful photograph, your childrens faces, emotions that lift you, lift your heart. High frequencies can only be given out and absorbed by the heart....The heart is the ONLY thing you possess that they cannot control. Your heart is the only thing that also can never lie.....Its your heart that will set you free......literally...thats why they are obsessed with controlling your mind to prevent or distract you from listening to your heart... Now....think about this carefully before you answer....where would you prefer to live...in your heart or in your mind? Unless you have been so mind controlled by them that you cant think for yourself anymore, your answer would of been heart....This is HOW you should be living.....in a permanent state of high frequencies. Remember the times when you were happy, birth of your children, Xmas day morning, on holiday, a special birthday, falling in love for the first time, being in love. This is how you should be.....If you live in this state, then they cant control you because every time you see, read, or hear negativity, youll automatically turn away, switch of and refuse to absorb it, low frequencies will just bounce off.... simply be you are unable to absorb. Its a bit like lighting a candle in a dark room, the dark goes away.......Its a natural state, controlled by your heart and not your mind. High frequencies are much stronger and more powerful than low...... This is the true freedom that many long for.....This is why all these changes are occurring, the earths frequencies are being raised as we speak. They have actually gone from 7.5 to 13 in the last year alone...Its happening, we are being given the key to be free via you heart. and...its not going to cost you a penny...how good is that? Free yourself, start thinking different, be positive. Start to believe that thats all it is a prison of the mind....you can set yourself free in seconds, minutes....you just need to believe that their system is just one big joke, a con, a lie, its the biggest scam in the world..... Laugh in their faces (like they do to us) that they are so stupid to believe and play these games.....but are we so stupid also to believe these silly games that they play....we have been for many years....but not anymore...WE ARE WAKING UP.....you are being given an opportunity to free yourself.... They sit in courts wearing black cloaks (wizards) and silly wigs......surrounded by actors in black costumes.......they even have their own language called legalese where they twist the words....poli / tics = poli means many and tics are bloodsucking cretins, corp / oration = dead nation. They are laughing at us, they call us goyums, cattle, human cargo with arms and legs lost at sea. I find it hard to comprehend that they even believe all this crap themselves.....and they call us stupid! They say any piece of paper must be given life before it can be acted upon......believing you are a dead entity.....now come on...... whos being silly here, us for believing, or them for playing these stupid games.... Now you are aware of what they are doing....Set yourself free....stop playing THEIR games.......stop feeding their systems.... play your own games if you want to, give them hassle, clog up the system.....but you need to know what you are doing before you play as its like playing a game of chess with world experts and they can change the rules whenever they feel like it. The only games we can play successfully are non compliance and hassle. I hope many understand what I am trying to explain, but I read these posts every day and I think, what is everyone doing?......Why does everyone want to play games they dont understand. Its nonsense..... You offer your houses, cars, money, the clothes on your back and even your own children and you havent got a clue about how to play their game....Its madness. I stopped playing their games over a year ago, simply because I wasnt willing to offer anything including my energy, to date they have taken nothing and I have been very successful in what I have done so far......I simply refuse to play or put life into anything they send me (apart from one incident where I was forced to, Mrs Maidment tried to clamp my car. Now this agent from Marstons is definitely possessed by the demonic force driven by the lust for money.....She would have received her Karma from another source for sure for what she did... I now refuse to acknowledge anything they say or do.....Life is so much easier....I do believe, I am slowly stepping out of the matrix (their game), because I am learning how it works, Im teaching myself the rules of the matrix game....I believe that its the prison of the mind.....outside is a beautiful world, full of childrens laughter. Learn to be free, use the existing systems for your own advantage but thats all..... Find ways of being self sufficient and not dependant upon them.....for anything.....I know many will be unable to because of personal circumstances and I am fully aware it is not possible at this stage to be physically free but in my mind I am....but just think about it.....do we really need them for everything? No.....In reality, there is nothing wrong with the systems, like roads, housing, water supplies etc, its the people who are abusing it and us by the poisoning the food, water supply air, corrupt banking systems, snatching children, greed, obsession with power, these are the ones that need to go ..... Now...about that letter you stuck on your door...has it answered you yet? No..it never will...because its DEAD....a dead entity.....so why give it life when its only going to cause you trouble, extract money from you and probably even more problems..... When they come to your door, they will come with more dead pieces of paper, but this time they have had to give it life by the act of a man or women carrying them....Again, they need you to respond (or give it life) otherwise hell stand there talking to a front door that is also dead, so let him.........let him talk to your dead front door......see if he gets an answer. Eventually even he/she in their mind controlled robotic state will realise that a dead door cant talk and give up....you can actually put a spell on your front door too, like a big red cross...upside down of course (the satanic position).....or an Implied rights of Access Notice if you want to come from the love angle.... The life hes looking for this time, is the named legal fiction that you think is you, which it is not....but remember the fiction name is also a dead entity. A dead entity called a birth certificate, another dead piece of paper that must be given life..... So he/she tricks you into giving it life by getting you to agree to represent it and speak on the dead legal entities behalf...so he/she can then proceed with this dirty deed.. Why bother playing the game with him/her. They dont understand the rules, they dont even know its a game, they think its real. You wont get any sense out of them, their minds have been manipulated by the lust for money and are being controlled by the evil monetary system. They live seriously deep down in low frequencies of a satanic nature. Poor buggers, so tormented....Thats the way they are trained (via mind control) to be, but not all of them as Mrs Wilson from Marstons is actually quite pleasant....and does understand although she refuses to admit it....Bless..x You can only give anything life if you agree to represent the dead entity (which incidentally has the same name as you think you have).....thats if you answer the door or communicate with them....These DEAD entities (companies) will continue to play the games as long as we give it life...and feed it with our money. How long do you think dead entity companies will remain trading if everyone stopped feeding them? Who crazy here....us or them?
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 01:33:03 +0000

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