****** When you see people like Wanjiru being elatedly welcome - TopicsExpress


****** When you see people like Wanjiru being elatedly welcome and cheerfully received in a national party whose image is cleaner than other parties today,you know undoubtedly that the sunny beach has shadows of unseen objects. If I was not born again,I would dismiss the architect of such a move as myopic and bullshit. ****** Wanjiru was alive when the party was formed and the season of exodus was coincidental with the prevailing political mood,but she refused to leave ODM because she claimed that the party was tribal and led by criminals. She claimed that the Dove Party had no ideology apart from the ICC and show of affluence. None has changed. ****** She said that she left ODM because Raila betrayed her,a complete nonsense argumentation,that which Githu Muigai would call circumlocucious. So does she join parties because she need non betrayal from the leader or because she need to serve the people? Will she not be betrayed in her current party,and what does she term betrayal. ****** TNA Party should be meticulous with the people they admit,whether in golden or silver members pages. Otherwise,we might next admit Maina Njenga in the name of I have seen the light TNA has so far an image of right minded and decent-thinking members,and a little blunder could usher in an era of thugs and crooks seeking abode. ****** Zack Kinuthia. Signed,2146hrs.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 18:48:52 +0000

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