When you study the gospels and see Jesus with a demystified - TopicsExpress


When you study the gospels and see Jesus with a demystified clarity and unbiased perception, you immediately come face to face with an erect figure to whom nature and men and even devils bowed; there was nothing the obedience of which He could not command: at His command of hush, the stormy sea stilled; at the touch of His compassion, leprosy fled; by the skyward wave of His hands, bread multiplied; by the shout of His order, the dead rose again; by the mere touch of His garment, diseases disappeared; by the mere sight of His Person, devils trembled; and like Alexander Pope astutely observed regarding the turning of water into wine, The conscious water saw its Master and blushed. He wasnt the kind of Person one could ignore: those who encountered Him had to either love Him very well or else hate Him quite much! He is not the sort of Person one encounters and holds a mild opinion about; the greatness of His personality does not leave that option open to anyone. When I meet a man whose opinion of Jesus is moderate, I immediately know I have met a man who knows Him not, and if at all, only moderately. A certain truth of His life is more devotionally staggering upon careful consideration. Have you watched the movie Man On Fire? It is a captivating movie starred by the remarkable actor Denzel Washington. He was the bodyguard of a little cute girl, who later was kidnapped. The mafia who had so done had made one gross mistake: they had under rated the little girls guardian. They were later to realise this mistake, when great havoc had been wrecked on them. The action drivelled down to a matter of exchange, life for life - his for the girls! For her sake he fought like a lion; now, like a lamb, he surrendered his life so she might keep hers! Jesus thus lived, and thus He died! This shining figure, Who could bow to none but was bowed to even by devils, for loves sake, bowed ultimately to death - death killed Life, sin smothered Righteousness, and Strength let weakness be the champion. What a Figure! He is our eternal contemporary: in Him we live and move and have our being!
Posted on: Wed, 26 Feb 2014 11:21:26 +0000

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