When you think that 69 years after the second world war when - TopicsExpress


When you think that 69 years after the second world war when millions died in the gas chambers and the israel government say Gaza should have its own Holocaust then these people have become the new Nazis I aint semitic because half my French family went to the gas chambers because they where Jewish but to hear this makes my blood boil wake up our palestinians brothers and sisters are being systematically slaughtered dont say they are using rockets and deserve it when the Isrealis are using air planes to bomb and kill unarmed civilians many women and children and starving them if you turn a blind eye to this then you are just as guilty as the person flying that plane or firing that gun these are human beings no matter what religion they belong to or what ethnic groups they belong to the are human beings end of WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 12:23:02 +0000

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